Alliance RP - Thoughts and Discussion

this isn’t to mention those of us that prefer the smaller atmosphere and more consistent RP partners without needing a guild.

ATP anyone who wants a very active stormwind should go to Moon Guard. You can even (and this is a wild concept) play on both servers with anchors or alts. I know I do. I’m somewhat involved with MG Horde, and I have some MGA characters. When I want to be a face in the crowd, I go to Moon Guard. I mostly people-watch. It’s fun. But WrA is cozier and there’s a chance you’re remembered if you show up often enough.



Wow, I can’t even imagen a guild or group or person “CLAIMING AN AREA OF THE MAP AS THERES” That is just super cring :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

If it helps at all for RP I still do have my Stormwind Guard alt from a dozen expansions ago that I mostly use just to assist RP events for Alliance “friends” and I am willing to stand, march, patrol, and emote wave as needed. However Speaking or Roleplaying is completely off the table.

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We used to do this thing on ED.
But it was like… for pvp purposes. We’d fight over and defend areas.

I’ve also been a part of where people claim spaces as theres, but have never seen anyone get mad if someone else happened to be using it… Just wait and come back. Sounds childish.


One of my first experiences after leaving ED was on MG. Was roaming around Stormwind, a face in the crowd and a couple of “thug” RPrs tried to “rob” my character and they got cringey levels of upset when I wouldn’t play along. I should’ve just given them the 8 coffees in that character’s bag. Hindsight is always 20/20.


Specific situations aside like “Open to being robbed/attacked in walk up” in a trp, I feel like that’s one of those kinds of interactions where you should probably talk it out. The kinds that just want to do that out of the blue probably just want an excuse to assert power over others. The crime version of overzealous guard type rpers that want to police you.


You guys missed the infamous cart and the infamous corner in SMC. Both of those places were claimed by particular guilds and the fighting, sadly, was not PvP.

There were others, but those are the two that readily come to mind.

With how SW is currently, there’s plenty of spots a guild could use. My guild uses one of the ships in the harbor quite frequently. We also sometimes have alts at the Duskwood blacksmith shop.

I want to clear up the bit on MG server canon with, that not being such a major thing anymore.

Their guilds still have “guild canon” which is a thing even our guilds have. But people who push others around don’t really have the clout they used to. The major problematic Stormwind Law Project went through an upheaval and has been replaced with a much more consent focused Stormwind Law Project. Among many other things, and their largest Gilneas Project is a gigantic community that puts the safety of all their Members first.

Moon Guard did have server canon issues, and population issues. But a lot has changed, and in my little brief experience looking over it, it’s gotten a lot better. At this points, the two server communities are just different.

Neither one is better or worse than the other. And there is more crossover than one might expect.

I am saddened that the only Stromic RP I can find is on Moon Guard and I have been toying with the idea with a Highlands RP hub in some way some how.

I think I might just do that. Make myself available on the Highlands for RP as often as I can to try to bring people into the northern kingdoms.


I don’t think merging MG and WrA would be a good idea, but I also think Blizzard should do it anyway because the resulting melodrama would be fun to read between BG queues.

We shall settle this on the field of honor.

Moon Guard shall send its most charming player. We shall send ours. The two will RP a romantic date–perhaps coffee. Either the most likable and charismatic roleplayer will win or the two will find love and our differences will be forgotten. Either way, we will end this.


Thanks to all of the MG players looking for a merger, Blizz has now decided to merge Moon Guard with Emerald Dream. Enjoy!


The MG server canon is mostly a non-issue like Sarsi said. Their powers that be over there couldn’t enforce that on the waves of WrA transplants.

But I will say that MG has more “mature” TRPs on Alliance side. And not just in Goldshire. So that specialness still exists there and has spread to inside SW.


This would’ve been more threatening back in the day, but now there’s, what, ten people still playing on ED?

Speaking as someone who used to be very vocally anti-server canon here on WrA, modern MG is definitely a very different beast, yeah.


Melodrama is a very bad reason to have it.

Lot of sleepers on ED just waiting for a reason to crawl out of their holes.

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Wasn’t Blizzard cracking down on TRP profiles more? I coulda sworn that was a thing, and I think the number has diminished, but I also keep seeing people selling…services…via TRP. I get whiplash every so often.

So you’re basically suggesting a political allegiance through marriage, a time-old method of settling dispute. Excellent.

Okay, WrA: Seeking our most charming volunteers. Who shall extend their hand in marriage to MG’s chosen to bring the servers together once and for all?

pretty much this! I haven’t had really terrible experiences on Moon Guard that were unique to Moon Guard. I’ve had good and bad experiences on both servers. It’s just a different feel.

Only if I get to marry a beautiful draenei woman and we can adopt 10 cats.

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As I have said before;

MG has shirtless alpha male Worgen that wants to aggressively epic role play with you.

WRA also has shirtless alpha male Worgen that wants to aggressively epic role play with you.

It’s all the same


This thread is getting into creepy cringe territory.


its what happens when you start mentioning Moon Guard.

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