Alliance RP - Thoughts and Discussion

Two of them are owned by the two major grocery monopolies, Albertsons (Haggens) and Krogers (QFC). So you may have been to them kinda lol?? At least they all take my membership so I still get discounts.

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um QFC is Quickfuse Cartel, and ive never seen you in my Discord ever.


I had a similar situation on one server. Several years ago while I was exploring new realm options I logged out at the inn at Lakeshire. It was empty. Logged in the next evening and it was packed so I asked what was up? Quickly figured out it was some sort of “auction”. Couldn’t get out fast enough. Never looked back.


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Discords become a lot more manageable if you put them into folders.


Thousand yard stare of memories of Silvermoon and Trolls


I made my first 50k in WoW on a darkspear troll selling manathistle and other herbal remedies in Murder Row, all the way back in BC, to all the edgy elves gambling on which guard guild would win the fight over jurisdiction/which one of them actually was complying with the lore and/or was besties with Kael’thas.


Never to be opened or seen again haha.

I try to limit the number of them im in. I feel like after awhile I just mute them and stop checking them, and then realize theres no point of me being in there.

Also why if im managing a Discord, I try to keep the number of channels low, and dont bother with stuff like wowhead thats already in every other wow discord… Having a channel for every little thing sounds like a good idea, but for me its overwhelming to see, and then try to keep up with.


Having spent some time back with SWTOR and the Starforge RP community and Discord server there, an idea for more than just a general “LFRP” kind of concept is what they call “Beacons”, which are generally speaking one offs with a specific location and theme mentioned by whomever is taking the lead. It doesn’t mean that person is “in charge” or anything necessarily, but it allows for folks to know exactly where to look for rp and what type of concept they’d be walking into in advance. This allows for folks to focus in on rp that appeals to them while also allowing for folks to step very gently into the concepts of hosting full-on events. It seems to work incredibly well in SWTOR and I think it could really successful here, too. Perhaps it could be a channel on an existing popular Discord or the new one that Kirsy created.


I changed my “lfrp” channel to be called “rp beacons.” What you described matches what I had as the channel description: “Post here when you’re in game and looking for people or hosting an impromptu event.”

Good suggestion! It clarifies the channel purpose. Thank you!


Just a quick observation from my experiences last night.

Needed a break from Dornogal so I headed over to Stormwind and did a few laps walking the streets. There seemed to be A LOT of newer characters but not very many TRP turned on.

I did manage to get a random, though kind, whisper from one of the few RPers. I wish I could remember the name. I didn’t even remember seeing them, nodding at them and I really didn’t introduce myself to anyone during my walk. Again, they were a very nice person.

All their OOC whisper indicated was they weren’t RP’g. They went on to indicate that their character was for a guild thing and that any RP on WrA is pretty much guild specific. No big deal. I have known that from day one of arriving here on WrA. Again great person and I was thankful for their out of nowhere whisper.

Eventually I opted into warmode and planted myself on a rooftop near Trade District poised to drop heals on the rogue, pally, and two warlocks, all from WrA-Alliance, as they defended the citizens from the Horde who were griefing the AH.

My take from last night is that eventually people will say hello. Lol.

For WrA!



I saw you and circled you on Larisi! But then I ended up dungeoning with one of my guildies until I went to bed.

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Ahhh yes! You circled after the hordies had come through for the 4th time! Very cool!


Putting a face with the name is always good, friend. :v:

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I joined, I owe you one for that time I had you send a letter to you know who after my account expired!

I saw! And thank you :slight_smile:

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Would be great if MG and WCA could merge into one. That way, both factions are active in one massive server.

A man can dream.

We pretty much are everywhere but SW and Org.

and tbh, I dont really want MG’s server atmosphere forced on to WRA, and im sure MG feels the same about WRA.


While I do miss a lot of the people who went to MG, I don’t think I’d want a merge only because there are people here who don’t like different things about MG. Either there are people there that they don’t want to see, or they don’t like the crowds, or other things. I don’t want to lose any of the people we have here right now.

But I also don’t want to lose the new people who keep coming in and looking around. Or the returning people. I love seeing returning faces. Hopefully we can give them something to do.


That sounds scary.

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God, no. I like not having to deal with queues to log into the game, especially during weekends when I’m trying to run an event or get to a group.

It’d also never work in the RP department because Moonguard has ‘Server Lore’ and active claims to territory by guilds or groups and they get feral if you object or refuse to move. God forbid you’re in a capital and somebody who RPs having political or military influence gets :poop:y with you and decides to get their Guild to start harassing you and the people you’re interacting with because you’re being ‘non-lore compliant’.

I know the vast majority of Moonguard are good people, but they don’t do enough to shout down the bad actors and keep them in line, and too many people buy into the ‘Big Server Name’ nonsense and lynch first and ask questions later. A bunch of us went over to Moonguard to see if that was the place we could have thriving Alliance RP and because we walked into the cathedral square with a Death Knight, we got dogpiled by people screaming they had sanction to kill all Undead on sight and we had to let them perma-kill our Guild Leader.

Putting Wyrmrest’s RP culture and Moonguard’s RP culture together in a confined space would be like mixing volatile chemicals together and then shaking the container vigorously.


Also basically a bag of angry cats.