Alliance RP - Thoughts and Discussion

Have you tried just nodding and smiling. Most people I run into are creeped out by a simple smile and nod followed by an comfortable stare in awkward silence.

She threw a Scarlet guild at me when I tried that.

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That’s a tough nut to crack. I’m outta ideas.

turns and heads back down to Olivia’s Pond for some R&R and fishing.

Posting this here instead of the new Discord thread because I don’t want to clog anything in its infancy, but I feel these glaring matters need addressed.

From the new Discord thread OP, the mission is so similar to the WCP and the WCP was so weirdly mischaracterized/dismissed in previous conversations in spite of it being active, supported, and nearly at 1600 members that I’m unsure of the intent or distinguishing point of this project. I feel that I need more information and differentiation between projects before committing to another Discord, as I’m already in several and aforementioned feel stretched thin.

I don’t want to dismiss a good-faith project entirely because everything deserves a chance and we don’t know where they will end up, it’s why I expressed earlier excitement because I want to encourage this energy. But it feels strange to dismiss a proven, ongoing community Discord without trying to collaborate and dismissing offers to do so. It also feels odd for Horde characters and Horde-dominant guilds to be pushing the effort over active Alliance mains already putting forth current efforts that need support.


I wouldn’t take it as a slight against WCP or anything. Its just nice to do your own thing, with more focus on what you’re trying to accomplish, than to try and push it into some one else’s established space…

WCP is large and active, that’s true. But it also makes it overwhelming to navigate and get seen in if you’re new.

No reason they cant coexist. The more people trying to do things the better, imo. The more diverse options we have for people to join, is nothing but a positive.

Everyone is different and jives with different groups of people, having more spaces with different vibes is a win for all of us as a whole.


I still remember fondly the stormrise warband raid on stormwind that uncovered the two death knight lesbians, uhm, playing with scissors in the catacombs.

What I would give to have been a fly on the wall for either of those two players when twenty odd morons came barreling into the room and started shouting gibberish at their pantless selves and dropping toys everywhere.

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Ok, well…I purposely tried to make the Wyrmrest RP Discord different than WCP, but you’d have to log into it to see the differences. I have only one general OOC chat instead of many. I have spots for IC ideas that don’t exist on WCP, like an IC jobs and missions board, character sheets, and IC roleplay. I steered away from workshop, lore discussions, or a kudos channel. I don’t have a dedicated event board. I don’t have guild recruitment, community recruitment, trading or goods selling. There’s no promotion of other games, no music, no memes, etc.

The overlap is in story one-shots, which is like WCP story pieces, but I couldn’t see a reason to leave that off an IC-based Discord. We also have screenshots, but this Discord’s screenshots are for RP and events, not commentary, achievements, or looking at transmogs. It’s very specific.

So is the Looking for RP channel - it’s to post when someone is specifically in-game and looking for where the RP is happening, or to report where RP is going on, or when they’re hosting an impromptu event. I’m hoping to have something posted up in the LFRP channel at least a couple times a week so that we can say “RP walk up tonight is in Duskwood” or “RP walk up tonight is in Ratchet” or “come visit with my guild hanging out at the Crossroads” - people here were saying that when they wanted to look for walk up, they didn’t want to search for it. I thought this might be a possible solution or lead to one after we see how this works.

A lot of the ideas I’m putting in place are actually coming from RP in other games, such as Conan Exiles, where most servers have a LFRP channel, or an IC rumor channel, or IC “I sent your character a message in-game” channels. I don’t have the rumor or message channels properly set up yet because of real life issues. Same with the simple roll system, a bounty board and a few other ideas that are rolling around in my head.

The point is to not be WCP but still bring value to the server in whatever way I can. Feel free to join, look around and see what you think. I have to relearn setting up roles because I haven’t done that in a server in about 2 years, so I don’t have Alliance/Horde/Neutral/DM or w/e in place yet. That should be up by the end of the week.

Also, I’ve never dismissed WCP but if you took it that way, I’m sorry. It’s too busy for me to keep up with the various channels, which is part of why I don’t use it for more than poking in, looking at the calendar and then going about my day. It doesn’t mean I dislike it or anyone in it - I know, recognize, have RPd with or have been in guilds with probably most of the people in there.


I’m going to be honest, I don’t want to join another discord. The discord bloat is just too real.

However good luck with your project!


Man…back in my more wanderlust days, the amount of ERP I accidentally stumbled across in the weirdest damn places.

Though there were times I was super glad for the language barrier. I don’t know what that naked Blood Elf and Forsaken were doing in that isolated fishing shack in the Wilds of Pandaria and I do not want to know.


Two druids in SMC on the road, in kitty form. I assumed they were memeing at the time.

A worgen and a pandaren on the hill overlooking IF. Claimed the worgen was ICly drawing the pandaren.

A house in the hinterlands, two dwarves.

It’s a lot more common on MG - not just in Goldshire. There are TRPs that are pretty suggestive.


In my first days on WRA back in 2009, I stumbled across some group “party” at the little house on Lake Lordamere.

I couldn’t back out of there quick enough.


Tbh I’m skimming the thread and don’t 100% follow why another discord is being made.

But also it’s always good to have options. I like how I can shop at Hmart, QFC, Haggens or Costco for what I need.

So, it’s like, neat more options but I also only have so much time and energy in the day that I can’t shop at all four every single time. So I usually end up at QFC the most since it’s on my normal route on my way home from work.

So basically my guild discord is my QFC because I just don’t have the energy for all these RP discords. I’m glad they are there though but dang am I tired.

Anyway join the Mead Hall lmao lolololol


Tighter focus, mostly IC. Not community planning, guild recruitment or workshopping.

I’d look at it kind of as the difference between practical and theoretical. WCP is theoretical. It’s event planning, workshop, lore discussion, questions. WrA-RP is practical. It’s character sheets, IC channels, IC jobs.

And I’m in the Mead Hall :stuck_out_tongue: I even went to a moot earlier this year.


I don’t need a kudos channel, but I insist on a judos channel.

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I will make an IC Enekie’s violence channel. But you have to pick someone to ICly boolie every day.

I’m just being silly.

There’s too many rp discords but also join this rp discord” lol


We need a WRA cooking discord to swap recipes.


Scowls like the old elf he is

Discords. Tikey-Toks. Back in my day we used to be a proper Internet. With Forums and grainy, 30 second videos in 250 resolution with MIDI music.


Oh trust me, I had to really think on this and decide if it’d be worth the effort before committing. I’m in 24 Discords atm (that number has been higher), of which I only monitor 7 on a regular basis.

But I honestly think it might help stimulate RP once it gets going.

(Also Norman, there’s a food channel on WCP. You could probably post recipes up there.)


The only one of those I’ve ever heard of is Costco. :rofl:

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