Alliance RP - Thoughts and Discussion

I can’t speak for Conquest but the simplest Roll System I’ve encountered thus far on the server remains the Year 36/40/42/etc system. Its 50HP plus some finite “power points” to boost bad rolls. Its been spun-off and refined over the years, but the current base system in the current Duskfall campaign is pretty straight forward.

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The conquest system fantastic for large scale things and keeping the DMs from shriveling up into raisins and vanishing into the twisting nether with a tiny ‘scree’ while trying to keep up with the emotes of 20+ people. The Horde Vanguard also has a spinoff system that’s more archetype focused.

The year-of discord’s system is def the simplest - no extra perks and whatnot. I wouldn’t recommend any of these systems for groups in the 1-6 or 7 range, though.

Whew, hope your lungs are okay. Had bronchitis for a bit over the past year and it was terribad, and I had it without stacking the thing with COVID.

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As someone who is intensely used to the Duskfall system seeing everyone talk about how light wait the conquest system is I am like,


It works, and I am sure it is good. But it definitely takes some work to set up from what little I have seen of it.

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I’ll have to check out Duskfall.

I am currently teaching the rats in the Deeprun Tram how to play D&D 3.5 so I can form an Eberron campaign. Mikey the Tooth bit Sammy the Silent when they fought over who got to play the Psion.


I can’t post links, but I use a ` on either side of the link and it codes it. Your spacing method also worked.

I just took a look at this. Huh…it’s more complicated than mine! I posted mine up in the WrA-RP Discord today as a 9-page PDF, but if I copy it to Google Docs, it removes all the formatting and I don’t have the spoons to reformat 9 pages. If anyone’s interested in looking at it, log into the Discord. It’s pinned in the general chat.

Credit where credit is due - the system started out as a one that Colepain and Janzar adapted from SWTOR. They removed a lot of fluff and added a nice system for class flavor, so at one time it had different abilities for every class and spec.

I removed almost all of their portions when I streamlined it. Now it’s closer to D&D, but with some really neat specials and an actual, usable crafting system for making different specialty items (health potions, gunshoes, etc.) and weapons.

I don’t cover things like terrain. It was getting to be too much for medium RPers with the class flavor system, so I didn’t want to push it with additional things for players to consider.

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hi for all my events you must now use GURPS welcome 2 hell kiddos.


This is terrible news for the rats. There will be cheese riots for days.


I wondered where you were for a couple of days <3

I’ve had Covid twice, and it left me with the long-term issue of being dyslexic…kind of. I’m not sure what the word for it would be, but immediately when I got it the second time, I started transposing letters in typing. And for 3 years now I’ve been having to correct spelling in almost everything I type.

Back to RP - I’ve played some crazy tabletop game systems. I have a ton of books. I like most systems until they start getting very persnickety. I don’t want to have to roll on a table to see what part of the body my arrow hit, for instance.

Back when I did forum RP in the BtVS community, we did free form RP, which meant no rolls, but don’t be a jerk. Nobody should win every fight or take no damage. With the right group, you can do this.

The Conquest discord also has a vehicle battle system that they made - I’m not sure if it’s directly affiliated or if it was a side project conquest members created. It’s for folks who have stuff like ships, ground crews, and so on. Someone also made a belf RP thing (Order of the Lynx, unfortunately disbanded now) that had some interesting resource-based and army-level systems. Haven’t the foggiest where they’ve gone, but it was also SWTOR inspired.

Very interesting how many SWTOR folks ended up back over in WoW, actually. Unfortunately I don’t think there’s the same kind of large-scale military RP where folks mash armies and stuff together, if only cause lore stuff and blizz moving away from that.

I tried to leave WoW for SWTOR back in the day. I burned out during Cataclysm and, OMG, a friggin new Star Wars MMO that plays kinda similar to WoW? I’m in.

My guild tried it out for a while but I came back to WoW for MoP and SWTOR fell to the wayside like all the other MMOs I’ve played.

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Oh man, is there A LOT I wanna unpack here. Prepare for a wall.

Firstly, I’ve been on WrA and MG for both a number of years, I saw the death of WrA-A, I moved with my guild at the time to MG. I’m primarily WrA again but am sort of active on both servers. Trust me when I say that attacking MG isn’t helping y’all here. You can hate the server lore, you can hate the server projects, but that’s ultimately your undoing. The statement shouldn’t be “WrA for Horde, MG for Alliance”, it should be “here’s the kind of RP MG has, here’s what WrA has” which server a person chooses should be based on the type of RP they want. Unfortunately, that will never happen if y’all sit here attacking MG and cannibalizing yourselves. Attacking Raseri publicly just proves my point as well.

That link with all the “evidence” posted? Yeah, just a pissed off officer mad that Raseri kicked them for being toxic. It’s out of context, and besides that, as someone who was only in the Dawn’s Discord to raid at the time of him being “outed”, it’s honestly overblown.

“Your guild is Legion of the Dawn, of course you’d defend him.” I wasn’t in the guild at the time of The Incident, I only knew them from an old GM and I wanted people to raid with in Aberrus. I’m a gay trans man and I can assure you that if Raseri was even an ounce of the toxic scumbag that’s part of this false narrative, I would have been long gone. The Dawn has an actually disproportionate amount of LGBT+ folk in its ranks. There’s a lot of us. We enjoy it. Raseri doesn’t “shut down” queer voices, he takes issue with certain people attacking cishet members under the guise of “empowering LGBT voices”. The marked out names in the album are the same 3 people who were constantly causing headaches and issues for other guild members. Honestly, Legion of the Dawn’s Discord is a lot more harmonious and enjoyable without them in there. They weren’t happy about finally being called out in their toxic behavior though, and decided to make Raseri’s life hell.

I don’t blame him for being defensive in this thread, you all are so eager to “revive” Alliance RP yet so quick to not use your brains and do some critical thinking, attacking someone that someone else said was a bad seed that they heard from someone else. Did anyone think to maybe ASK him for his side of the story before booting him from WCP and other community projects? No, not to my knowledge. You all are so quick to propagate lies as you are to attack MG.

Am I brainwashed? I dunno, like I said, I was simply a guest in the Discord for about a year before and at the time the pissy officer began their crusade. I’ve stuck around and listened to both sides, know who made that call-out, and know they’re full of BS.

I can’t see my guild participating in any community revitalization efforts anytime soon, and from this thread, I honestly don’t blame them. Either way, RP is great here, the best I’ve been in since joining WoW RP in 2016. We’re starting our first TWW campaign arc and the hype is real.

Just some overdue words of an RP veteran of both servers.


This needs to be stated: There have been multiple requests from the WCP for Raseri or his guildmates to send in his story.

When we finally got a reply, it was screenshots with the throughline of “but X guild is even WORSE,” not exoneration of Raseri. In fact, some of the screenshots his guild members included actually made him look worse.

Anyway, let it be known that that’s the literal gaslit version of events he and enablers peddle. Email inboxes and DMs have been waiting for more than a year now for proof and nothing has come. I think the latest excuse was something along the lines of, “well, you already made up your mind so I’m not gonna!”

Then just post it publicly and let the people decide.

Also, I accepted the friend request and my DMs have been open for over an hour now. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ So I’m opening a beer and starting some delves.


I mean, from the way he was immediately dogpiled, sounds like you all did really make up your minds.

You can be all high and mighty as you want, but we both know when a woman cries foul at a man about anything on the Internet, the collective response is instinctually believe her due the predatory nature of man that has been established. And for reference, I’m speaking about the initial spreader of this, not you.

This is a game, and I really don’t blame him for laying low, no one should have to stress and deal with this over a game. I can tell him you accepted that request, but perhaps chill, people do have jobs.

Either way, your grips with him and vice versa should now be handled privately. Everyone is aware of your stance, and of the drama. Like I said, perhaps talk and let stuff fizzle out in private rather than attacking someone who genuinely has made an effort to help Alliance RP publicly and spreading this nonsense because that’s what you’ve heard. Or don’t, I don’t care.

This is just the face of long stemming issues that will break apart any revitalization efforts if they aren’t appropriately addressed.


Actually if memory servers it took us a few weeks to getting the vote/consensus to removing him, and even then, there was pressure for outside sources to do it immediately without giving it the time and energy to look into things. But the time was taking to fully weigh the evidence, which is why we speak with conviction now, as we’ve already had these discussions over a year ago.

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Do you know how unhinged that actually sounds?

I don’t know you. I don’t know the dracthyr that reposted the twitter callout. You don’t know me.


I spoke at length with one of the admins of the WCP when this all happened, someone who I thought did know me. My response to my try was this isn’t a witch hunt. And the guild needs new officers and to do better. Even after I showed what had been done immediately in the aftermath of the lost officers and the accusations they made in the callout.

Ex guild members - two of who had been officers - made all the remaining guild members feel like they constantly were walking on eggshells because you never knew what would set them off against you. Constantly, they were the ones making anyone not part of THEIR clique feel like they were nothing. Raseri put his foot down and said let’s not make people feel bad when they have done nothing to you. But it got screen grabbed and shown out of order/out of context and suddenly he’s problematic.

This callout is nothing more than someone doing a gotcha moment because he was dealing with trauma from abusive relatives and ex girlfriends and posted on reddit. He admitted up there that that was wrong. Does he need to bleed to show his remorse?

The discord nonsense is exactly that. These individuals who are in the conversation egged it to that point but they don’t show that do they?

You were in the discord you could have gone back and read the conversations for yourself. But instead you chose to leave and then push blame and this attack on Raseri in the name of “staying out of it”

Little ironic that the person who has dealt with too much drama in the past to be butting their nose in to this drama is the one dredging it up at every opportunity.

WrA might not be what it once was, but Raseri is not the problem. Its the people who decided to move to MG and who left when the Blizzard issues happened. I’ve seen people out RP in the wild. The server’s not dead. Its just changed.



Stop the runaround. This playbook isn’t going to work anymore. Rise to the occasion and be better or keep enabling a jerk.

It’s not. Stop the ad hominem and stay on topic: Your GM has been a historic jerk to multiple groups and taken zero accountability for it. You are enabling this toxic cycle. Stop keeping him from personal growth, you’re doing him a disservice.

Yes, I and the rest of the staff saw the screenshots of your conversation with Feyawen. We openly share all of our backend conversations and converse at length before holding a vote on removal. No one fought for Raseri due to how bad the evidence was and how even worse his “defense” was. Stop blaming his problems on other guilds and people and look at the common denominator.

I left and chatted with Raseri in DMs in length after. I ended with extending an olive branch. His last response was that he would get back to me after speaking with this officers. He did not. That was January of this year. Do not mischaracterize the events. I can also send you the DM conversation we had if need be so you can see where things were left off.

WrA has many problems and Raseri is one of them, but people enabling this cycle of abuse is worse.


I think there are alot of cool WRA things going on, and i think sometimes people hesitate to reach out on projects to work together between players, projects, and guilds. I hope everyone takes a moment to remember. We are all gamers trying to play a game. Reach out, and make some cool storylines with friends new and old! #positivemessageoftheday


Raseri’s reputation for being… uncomfortable around certain types of people predates his Twitter “exposé” (which I agree is fairly lukewarm) and the unearthing of his Reddit account (which is, uh, pretty awful). Despite what you’ve been told or choose to believe, this was not a rabid mob suddenly turning on an innocent man - this was a pattern of behavior already known and discussed by a number of (mostly queer) people here on WrA that was very suddenly thrust into the public consciousness whilst Raseri was in a position of semi-authority.

Now, I don’t know how everything went down, as I’d avoided the WCP specifically due to Raseri’s role as an admin/project leader, but I wouldn’t be surprised to learn things weren’t handled as gracefully or as tactfully as they could have been. And despite my own unwillingness to have any interaction with him, if (IF) Raseri really was booted and stripped of his position without being allowed to explain his side of the story, or to apologize for his actions, I agree that that’s wrong and very, very unfortunate.

That said, the posts being made by you, his guildmates, both here and in a certain other thread really aren’t doing any of you, least of all Raseri, any favors.


For the love of everything, can we please stop? Like legitimately, please? This post has derailed into people arguing against the same issues that WrA has had since the server launched.

I don’t care about Raseri, I don’t care about Kazimir, instead we’re making WrA either look like bigoted idiots or hyper progressive stalkers against all platforms OOC. I’m not going to read 50+ Discord screenshots of Raseri, I don’t care, if they have done something extremely offensive report it to the actual people that make the game to get them banned. Kazimir, no one is making you interact with this person.

If you both feel this violated, report it to the actual owners/developers of this game. If they don’t do anything then you have essentially have your answer to move onto another platform.

Someone is trying to make a post to talk about how to fix RP. Your both making this about yourself. Figure your stuff out and move on.


What do you think is 1 way to increase rp immersion on rp realms currently. (different answers would suffice depending on realm)

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