Alliance RP - Thoughts and Discussion

I completely forgot that Dracthyr exist.

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makes delivering mail or in game amazon deliveries faster with less than half the mana of a mage portal!

Other people have posted about this way more than I have, why am I suddenly in the spotlight? :weary:

But I agree that getting this thread back on track is for the best.

I think people discount just how important it is to have a singular, accessible RP hub. I know everyone’s tired of Stormwind and wants to get out and see the world, but it plays an important role as a sort of… “main artery” of RP, and so long as it’s strong it’ll pump RP to other places.

It’s easy to get to, everyone ends up there eventually, and it’s usually the first place new or returning players will go to check out the scene, and I think letting it sit as a kind of ghost town really isn’t helping to disperse RP to the rest of the server.

But how do you even turn that around? The whole point of walk-up RP is that it’s spontaneous, and having a pre-planned “Walk-up RP Day” feels like it would be, well, the exact opposite of that.

EDIT: Also, Stormwind doesn’t have any kind of level requirement to get to, which I think is also important.


That’s OK, so did everyone else for about 20,000 years.


You claim to be “staying out of it”, but also continue to perpetuate it. Your entire argument in this thread proves my point:

WrA Alliance will never keep gain new players, keep ones, or grow if you continue to attack people as much as you complain about MG. Please continue to preach about enabling the cycle of abuse because it’s staring you right in the face.

I simply used Raseri as an example to prove my point. I really don’t care about this drama, unlike everyone here except Risri, I’m queer. I was in the server. I have a first-hand experience. We can continue to bemoan this all you want, nothing changes those facts. At this point, it doesn’t matter what’s presented to the contrary, the damage is done.

You can discuss revitalization efforts all you want, but if the poisoned root remains, it eventually kills the whole plant. This right here is the poisoned root. The Legion of the Dawn has a great team of officers and members that enjoy RP and are very good at it. We’ll be here enjoying what we create.

Go ahead and plan whatever it is you’re trying to do to bring back Alliance RP on WrA, more power to you, I simply saw this… Lovely thread and wanted to bring insight into why efforts to bring RP back failed and continue to fail. At least my view of it.

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you really can’t go wrong with more cool hats.


I’m not staying out of anything. I’ve purposefully been in the thick of this thread and swinging punches to put down your peddling of your GM’s misinformation campaign and will continue to keep doing so because the cycle is done.

This is not a “both sides” moment. I’m calling out a jerk who’s done nothing to heal the community other than disappear for a few years when he’s called out, wait for time to blunt memories, then show back up with “and everyone is to blame but me.”


The issue is this keeps happening and you’re expecting it to be allowed to happen again. This is caustic for the community. Your guy needs to look in the mirror and be better. Stop protecting him from reconciliation by denying what’s happened. Embrace it and start to move forward.

Speaking of moving forward…

If we’re going back to hubs for RP, Stormwind is the most accessible and iconic, but the older graphics/textures and comparisons to MG tend to be brought up in the next breath. That and this:

How do we make SW roleplay feel fresh without going the MG route? WrA rejects guard guilds, noble courts, church roleplay, and other kinds of RP server Lore so it bets the question: What would the WrA version of Stormwind look like?

Businesses peddling their wares from storefronts? Weekly tavern spots? Church sermons, lectures in the Mage Quarter? In my limited time here, WrA really stood out to me as a server that loves the slice of life side of things. I believe that would be our version of Stormwind.

That said, are folks truly interested in that when there are so many newer zones elsewhere? How do we do something like that in SW without it feeling like a job?

That said, I’m game for anything in SW. We already had small businesses in the past and they were passionately supported to the point of being silly (we had 20 people once crammed into Lucy’s leatherworking store). The support is there, it’s a matter of finding the kind of Stormwind RP that appeals to this crowd, because we’re not MG, don’t have to be, and don’t want to be. So let’s be us.

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No one is denying anything, nothing will be happening, because if there was any reading comprehension, you would have seen that I said in my original post that my guild has no interest in community revitalization efforts and we will be keeping to ourselves and enjoying our RP.

If you see us in Mereldar, don’t hesitate to wave. No guarantee anyone will wave back.

Enjoy your discussions, I’ll be entertaining this no longer. :v:


I disagree.

This is the juicy bit, imo. What MG has going for it atm is that it has 1) Communities projects with 2) A selection of specific themes that 3) Has resources/templates available to facilitate RP with certain vibes.

Grand Alliance/The Horde Vanguard all have meets at intervals, run campaigns, and use the conquest system or their own. Guilds participate and it serves as both a landing/spring-off point for folks to do whatever, from participating in server campaigns or drilling down to find a specific niche (be it guild, RP partner, etc).

WCP is nice, but it’s LFRP channel is more for walkups rather than posting an ad or something to find a RP partner. It keeps track of events, but insofar as I can tell doesn’t run any of its own. MG has a lot of weekly/monthly type stuff, but there are definitely some gaps WyrA could fill…

Like a motherfluffin leatherworker! Dammit I’ve been trying to find an IC LW for my human character for over half a year now. Even got it pasted in my TRP.

I’ve actually had a lot of luck recently doing mini-series for my characters. One of them is selling some relics they ‘found’, so I rolled up some random effects to make the relics, found a RP partner whose character wanted one, and now I’m DMing how the relic works for them. There are a few light tie-ins to the thing, but it’s definitely not a year-long campaign sorta thing.

It’s kind of a weird thing I’ve been struggling to figure out how to phrase - there are people on WyrA-A, and they’re doing things, but 1) Nobody knows they’re doing things and 2) Those things don’t have any…what’s the word. Gravity? In the sense that it’s extremely easy to figure out what those things are and either get involved, or contribute somehow. Like I certainly wouldn’t expect to be involved in private guild events, but, say…If a guild group went up against some spiders and a bunch of acid damaged their armor, they could go out into the world and try to find armor repairs amongst the community. That sorta thing. And WyrA-A can’t do the same thing MG is doing to try to pull folks, because MG is already doing it and you’ll never win that tug of war.

Take SWTOR, for example, cause it’s popped up for me a few times today. Large scale trade and military roleplay is, insofar as I can find, a niche that isn’t being filled. MG has a lot of markets, but whatever goes into those markets (goods acquisition, etc) isn’t publicly available insofar as I can tell. One project on MG that I really admire is the Free Seas Community, which runs both a tavern thingy every week and has a meal-of-the-week type thing going, but also has a whole guild behind it (I’m not privy to their internal storylines), and they run public archaeology and fishing events. This creates a lovely little ecosystem around the community and guild.

Now I’m not suggesting everyone ever let everyone into their most private storylines, but I’d love to see what kind of availability. A sorta…here’s a guild. The guild does stuff. Here’s a part of the guild publicly available for folks to hop in, if they want. And that can be supported by accessible templates (for combat, or other dice systems), and…So on and so forth.

I see that Vanguard of the Rose has (had? Last post in WCP is in March that I can find) a thing, public humanitarian and martial assistance, walk-in stuff. Mind, I only found that cause I thought, I should look up other examples…Which brings up a problem - there’s so many frickn discords and event calendars and all that jazz, which while super helpful in some ways, after a while eyes will definitely glaze over :sob: It’s entirely possible that WyrA-A is doing a lot of things and I (and possibly others) have just completely missed it, somehow. That aside, in the line of ‘do it differently’, I’d love to see some sorta yoinkage of people to fill in where otherwise there’d be an NPC. Need a blacksmith in a guild arc for folks to briefly meet or deal with? Post up an ad, get someone, and zoom on - not requiring complete integration into the guild arc, but a way for people to get that kind of interaction that’s really hard to find anywhere else.

Anywho, that’s all the rambling I got for now. My guild was a velf one on WyrA-A a while back that disbanded, 'n I found nuffin and ended up moving to MG-A. Would love to see activity kick up again.


Its amazing that WrA alliance rp is not only dying, but continues to just stab itself in the gut.

The rp you guys have is already limited, shunning/banning other guilds from community events is the worst thing to do. Just because a few people dislike another person doesnt mean you have to scarlet letter them.

MG has been adapting well. We got Grand Alliance, WC and a lot of community events, i think theres a hallowfall thing going on, i saw a few people from a guild running some scenario. But it works and its fun.

WrA seems to just like pointing at a mirror and screeching at itself or another person. Its just weird, if you guys want it to improve you as a community have to do better. If you have issues with people talk to them, work it out, find out whats at the precipice of the issue and see if it can be resolved.

In the end its just roleplay, some people are taking it way too seriously…

PS: SWTOR is best. Star Forge gang


There’s no way WrA is unified enough to be able to ban anyone from doing anything.


Is the drama done yet?

If so, I’d like to please get back on topic.

If not, I’ll go back to tending my sick doggo.


As far as rp opinions go

WrA needs to do better at communicating their events. I could sit in stormwind for an hour an not see anything happen. Or fly around and try to find a smidge of openrp and see nothing.

You guys are too spread out as it is, gotta collaborate more.

Moonguard is…eh. as I said earlier its doing better, plenty of discords and events to do. Some of the people are weird, but if we continue to ignore Goldshire it aint too bad


MG has a plethora of Discords, far more than WrA. But because of their sheer numbers and people finding their niches via said Discords, it’s not as much as a problem as it is on WrA.

Yes. Earlier this year, that was part of an effort to stoke more event and walk-up roleplay in Stormwind. Because it came towards the end of the expansion and the warm months came soon after, it was put on hiatus to be picked up later. It honestly did really well to the point that we had to consider moving to a large space, since the City Hall/Argent Dawn officers in the Cathedral District were not big enough to contain initial interest. Downside is there are not a lot of large spaces in Stormwind that aren’t filled with NPCs.

There was also talk of Sunday sermons and we hosted one, but again it was around that same time period. Both were part of a greater planned initiative that began on Discord and was going to make its way to the forums (, but perhaps because we were deep into Dragonflight Season 4, I couldn’t stir up enough interest at the time.

But I really do think event and small-business-focused roleplay is a great way to get started in Stormwind.

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I apologize for adding to the derailing of your thread.

On topic, I do think what you have done with your discord server is a good first step.

Someone up there mentioned there isn’t really a central spot for finding out about events, but I do think what you have set up is a good first step in that direction. Don’t lose momentum.

I saw you trying to create an IC newspaper in the discord and that adds to the immersion of events, allowing people to have an IC reason to go.

Having announcements when people are doing walk up in Mereldar is good too. I hope more people will take advantage of those as well.

I had my time trying to be the person in the know of all the events on the server. Its not an easy job solo. I hope you have people helping you behind the scenes with all you’re trying to do.


Please keep us updated on the doggo.


Getting the word out is one of the biggest issues you run into with an event-focused RP scene imho. Only a small fraction of the server community actually reads the forums, and not everyone has Discord, or is in the right Discord channel. And posting adverts in General and Trade only works if the people you’re advertising to are: 1. online, and 2. actually reading General/Trade.

So in order to get the biggest draw you kinda have to post everywhere, and you have to post often. Make a forum thread, post an advert on Discord, and in General, Trade, etc. And even then you’re gonna miss some people.

I think the best thing any organizer can hope for is a lot of word-of-mouth, which is why I’ve always gone out of my way to talk about any events I plan on going to - and even some I don’t. Just mentioning it to your guild, or your RP partners, or the random guy you’ve just run into in SW is bound to get at least a few more bodies to the actual event.


Doggo has currently wadded up a carpet on the floor and is lying down. He seems to be better after some lamb & rice food.

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Valdrakken has no level requirements, it is where you are shunted to after finishing Exiles Reach now.

Everywhere but current content is easily accessible.

All that needs to happen is everyone going to a spot, and letting it be known that is the place to be. Doesnt really matter where.

I think an area that both horde and alliance can get to and not be attacked is a boon. and would differentiate us from MG…