Alliance RP - Thoughts and Discussion

This is as deceptive and misleading now as it was then, and it is not the silver bullet you hope it to be. I have already shared it and discussed it with those who matter, and those who were close to any of the actual events described within it know it as completely ridiculous. That’s my final word on that.

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And if you think this is still a “Wake of destruction” and not about a narrative that has been spun that is fundamentally not truthful, then well. We have a lot of conversation to have, then, don’t we?

That’s my last post in this thread. I had to drive home. Again, out of respect to Kirsy, I won’t drag it out.

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It’s a very frustrating cycle for me. I do increasingly meager amounts of content, then spend the rest of the expansion flying around holding hands with people. It is a painful purgatory of almost doing something but not.


What Enekie means to say is:

They are edging productivity.

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Productivity is my nickname for your mom.


Final words aren’t quite what they used to be.

Also, thanks for the wonderfully blatant example of actual gaslighting! It’s kind of amazing, actually. We usually don’t get examples that read this easy on the Internet.

Why does WrA-A put up with this? We deserve better than getting the run-around every few years from the same person who refuses to own what they’ve done to their fellows and undergo any sort of personal evolution. All they do is tell folks that any screenshot or log they read of his own words is wrong but offers zero proof to the contrary other than “trust me bro.”

The abuser’s playbook isn’t going to work for you this time. People know how to read and your history isn’t some tragic main character misunderstanding: It’s one egotistical dude on the Internet who can’t admit that sometimes, he’s a big jerk and hurts people. It’s not hard.


Really? This is what we’re devolving into so quickly? You go from “I’m extending an olive branch” to what is immediately and blatantly petty?

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'Member that time OP asked you to take this feud to DMs? I 'member.


Friend request is sent, I’m just waiting for it to get accepted.

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Keep going. The ad hominem is an interesting approach to distract from the main subject at hand.

Guys, don’t write this off as some sort of silly thing. This is a festering wound of WrA-A and even though I’ve only been here a few years, I’ve managed to live through a few cycles of it already.

It’s time for change.

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Having the harm this person has inflicted upon others dismissed as a feud is not good. This person has caused pain to people and the textbook gaslighting shows they have not changed at all.

This isn’t about not getting along with someone, it’s about protecting others from harm.


When you treat people like sh t they tend to remember, and thinly veiled bs responses are easy to see through and triggering.

The game is big enough where neither of you have to ever interact or share spaces tho, so go do your own thing. Like man, not every one needs forced to be together, or even amicable. Do your own thing.

If you’re actually an a shole or not will show in time to others.


Trying to police things like this isn’t going to do anything but drive you crazy, and make you look crazy to everyone else. Trust me as someone who has dealt with similar in past. Just protect your own, and ignore them. It sucks, but that’s how the game forces you to treat these situations.


You’d think the fact they aren’t doing that but are clearly trying to still sink me despite me keeping to myself for over a year would clue you into what’s actually going on, but hey, we’ve already decided what the story is, might as well just ignore all the conflicting information that threatens that conclusion.

It doesn’t matter to me. I’m not going anywhere.

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I mean, if I were a new RP’er looking into WRA Alliance…I would certainly want nothing to do with any of this.

That is why we should focus on the topic. Ignore those who wronged you. The forum has an ignore feature. I used it myself recently! But this, it ain’t helping anyone, Chief. That’s all I got on the subject, back to talking about RP for me.


Blizzs features to ignore/block people are abysmal.

They are only per character, and not account wide. Stupid

And then it still has giant huge ONE IGNORED MESSAGE on here every time someone you muted posts. And gives you the option to click it and read it… Like no, I want them gone.


I for one like to be aware of the missing stairs, as it were. Knowing the rest of the community doesn’t put up with someone who said some pretty disparaging things about my character WRT her mental illness actually made me feel more welcome in the RP scene.


I’ve come around on large-scale RP.

For the longest time I didn’t care for it. Too much noise, too much chaos, too many different people with too many different ideas and too many different wants and needs. It just seemed like a mess waiting to happen. And, uh, it was! Pretty often!

But… I dunno. Nowadays? I guess it’s just nice to see a bunch of people come together to collaborate on or to build something, even if it doesn’t always go to plan. And I like that if I want to I can just kinda fade into the background and take it all in without feeling pressured to “carry my weight” as it were.


That one, I do actually apologize on. I have a really bad history with both parent and partner- enough for me to know that I’d never be able to interact with someone attempting to handle it through writing, but that I can respect the attempt. Those comments came from a place of hurt and were nonconstructive, to say the least. The rest(At least what I explicitly say, and not what is inferred about me from what I say), I stick by.

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Honestly this is the perfect time to plug the Duskfall campaign. A collaborative, server wide campaign focusing on the new story and is run by veteran DMs responsible for Year of the Scourge, Year 35, and Year 36 campaigns.

It’s really fun and very well managed.

It is not sponsored by RAID: Shadow Legends however