Alliance RP - Thoughts and Discussion

As a void elf, I’m factionally confused. Do I get my card hole punched again and this time, do I qualify for the free ice cream?

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I have set in motion the little alliance RP plan in the Highlands, so I will be fiddling with that weekly to tweak it and find what works. So that’s one aspect of alliance RP.

I say Alliance but it is intended to be cross faction so long as people respect pvp boundaries but depending on needs pvp geared bouncers from both factions may not be a bad idea given its location.

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To my understanding, the lack of welcome is less to do with your passion for WrA-A revitalization and more to your pattern of treatment of others in public and private.

Every few years, you re-emerge with zero self-reflection and lay the blame on others for your social ostracization, but if you want true healing for your part in this community’s pain, genuine restitution is better than waiting till time blunts the hurt of the past or wanes memories.

My door is open if you want to chat honestly, but just know I’ve zero patience for another “it’s everyone’s fault but mine” reprise. Own your part and perhaps you’ll find more doors opened to you than closed.


Let’s not go there as far as talking about what people may or may not have done, please.

I’ve said my part because I see the cycle beginning anew with zero growth. To not be held accountable for past actions is saying it’s fine for the cycle to happen again.

I’d rather we messily grow together and end the cycle than ignore the subject.

Ari, if you want to talk about what you know to your understanding, then go off on what you clearly don’t understand, then we can do this. You want to do it here? I attempted to DM you after you booted me from the WRA guild faire discord but it looks like I’m blocked, so it feels like you want to do it here.

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My DM settings are such that if we don’t share a mutual server, we can’t chat. But you can extend a Discord friend invite and go from there. That said, our DMs are also still waiting for you to reply to my January 31st olive branch message.

Also, this isn’t really a private matter. I was calling a spade a spade so we could stop pretending otherwise. That I was the first one to do so in this thread is circumstance, and directly addressing recurring bad-faith actors within the Alliance community and putting a stop to cycles is better than glossing it over and seeing if ninth time’s the charm.


Well for now, I’m respectfully asking you both to please take this to DMs.

Putting off a public conversation about this is more harmful than you think. I understand why you’re flinching when finally standing at the sheer cliff drop your thread ascended to, but if you genuinely want things to be different, we need to do things differently this time. We need to be willing to take the plunge and be better than our past selves.

Healing takes more than waiting for time to let us forget, it takes ownership of faults and wrongdoings, which has not historically happened with the individual in question long before I even transferred here. I have to ask: Why does WrA-A put up with this cycle of abuse? Why doesn’t it think it deserves better?


I figured I had every good reason to believe that door was being shut in my face when I was unceremoniously removed from WCP a week later despite doing nothing to add on to the already ridiculous drama surrounding me.

I also hesitate for “a spade to be called a spade” at face value when even looking back up in this thread shows you believing nonsense spoken about me that a moments worth of research or even just- talking to me- would have easily disproven.

But that’s my final word. I’ll respect Kirsy and end the public discussion here. I’ll each out to you shortly, Ari.

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There are receipts of this person’s abuse and I did not want that proof to go unrecorded.

Simply pasted the link back together and remove the brackets. I understand the desire to keep peace, but predators deserve no such compassion.Preformatted text


And yet, I checked my faults, accepted the mistake, publicly owned it, and apologized. It’s more than what you’ve done in the last decade to put a stop to the wake of destruction you leave behind you. That is my point.

For whatever good talking to me will do, you’re welcome to DM me. But you have a lot of DMs to other people to send before doors start reopening to you.

You’re the substitute teacher asking the students to behave.

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I’m going to be honest.

I don’t see the appeal of large-scale RP. It feels like a narrative mess. Whatever happened to the days of just talking to someone one-on-one, slowly realizing you have irreconcilable differences, then getting into screaming, sobbing arguments on the front lawn?


Enekie, it’s because you don’t fly over to hold my hand anymore. Where are the days of hand-holding RP?

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I switched to stealthing, appearing quietly beside someone, then holding their hand. It feels creepier that way.

This happens in my RL neighborhood. Except instead of sobbing on the front lawn, it’s blocking traffic with your car out of spite till the cops arrive and coax them to move.

…well, dang. RL is like RP.

I have mixed feelings about this post.

That would scare the crap out of Larisi. You should totally do that for Hallow’s End.

This is why I think small scale bars and restaurants are a good focus.

There is a reason to start them IC: Someone opens a bar.

There is a reason for them to be empty: restaurants have slow points, and people who like the solo, empty restaurant running can still do so while waiting for customers, RPer patrons. Being empty is not a death knell for them so long as the owner is active and waiting for people to come in RPing customers.

And eventually they get established as the cheers place to go where everybody knows your name.