Alliance RP - Thoughts and Discussion

IDK where the portal is but I think so. There is a section of Stromgarde City that does not spawn any mobs, even when horde “control” the zone, the only change is the gate into the district is closed.

There is an inn with an upstairs and seating. One faction flags each weak and that is an important consideration to remember that just because someone is flagged for pvp combat does not necessarily mean they consent to pvp combat so pvp geared security would definitely be welcome to wipe out griefers.

There is an entire courtyard in this safe area and there are other buildings and pavilions that can be used at leisure. All I believe or at least some also come with interactable seating.

It is a wonderful RP area and I believe it’s emptiness is solely because of the combination of reasons like there being no one “there”, an absolutely annoying force flagging system even out of war mode for no good reason (and to this day that confuses me on why blizzard felt the need to shoehorn world pvp into it on non pvp centric modes for no reason).

Despite the minor downsides I think it can still be an amazing spot. And pvp griefing is not really all that common, horde regularly RP in the scarlet raven unharrased except for very limited problematic excursions and those are repelled as quickly as they appear.

I am working on my menu right now, so hopefully by the time I get home I’ll have something to present.


This all sounds pretty awesome. Even if it changes ownership every other week, that’s still a good amount of time that the base can be used by Alliance. And when it’s Horde controlled, having them use it for RP or PvP also sounds fun. We haven’t had any decent world PvP outside Warmode in years.

Even as far back as 2008 on Earthen Ring, I only ever heard bad stuff about Moon Guard. It was never presented as rivalry. It has always been more like when Mufasa told Simba that he must never go to the elephant graveyard.

Say what you will about Moon Guard, Wyrmrest Accord, and Emerald Dream…

But at least none of us are Azralon.

Hi there. My name is Skyva and I love coffee. Please tell us about your character.


O hai! I’m feral and live in the deeprun tram. I sometimes get to loot the bones of anybody who falls off the train mid-journey, but that’s not very often.

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Ah. It’s nice to meet you. I haven’t taken the Tram in years.

smiles then takes a sip of coffee

The guild I’m in actually uses the Strongarde keep often as a guild based, and it IS a very cool RP spot


I thank you for the warning. Now I know where not to go. :+1::+1:

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it’s a shame because I have. I perform for MG Horde frequently, and I’ll be performing at Dance of the Dead. I had a lot of fun at Tournament of Ages and even won top 5 in the transmog contest at the Wintertide Ball. The walkup is what you would expect (context note: I’m a notorious Walkup Hater), but the events are pretty solid.


I steer clear of most walk up. I know Chowzen has great luck with it, but I want plots and long term character development.


Yeah. I tried some random walk-up this evening and all I got was a boop on the nose which startled me. It’s quite difficult to safely guide a gryphon when your eyes are watering.

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As someone who’s been on both servers? I can exactly see where you are coming from.

I don’t really want to stir the pot, but I’ve been more active on MG as I found the quality to be amazing when you find the right people. WRA is the same, but less active. Kind of why I threw the whole “Merge both servers together” as the good quality RPers from WRA match the good quality RPers from MG… just MG requires more filtering while WRA requires more “waiting for RPers to RP”.

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You can have both. 70% of my walk-ups involve long-term developmental RP on MG. More natural, I find. Putting my two cents as someone who’s been on both servers.


That was me on Larisi again. I saw you and thought you were just doing a fly by to watch. We were starting guild RP. You’re always welcome to jump into any RP you see my guild doing, btw. We love random encounters.


It was actually cool seeing Larisi pop up in trade chat! I laughed at my fly by and boop!


I can’t say a whole lot to the server showdown here. Every community goes through lifecycles with age; systems get set up, communities get used to operating in particular ways, and particular personalities tend to get heavily entrenched with time. To me, it’s less a server issue and more just one of age. It’s natural that these things happen, both in small guild communities and the larger server ones. It only becomes problematic when old guard begin to crowd out new initiatives, as it halts new blood from flowing into the community, and consequently leads to stagnation as the community begins its slow descent into toxicity.

What I’m more concerned about, as a dungeon master, is how enthusiastic players are, if I can find some fertile ground to put down roots and pull characters into the story, if the community is reasonably stable, and how many hoops I have to jump through to get set up. Dungeon masters are already in short supply, and creating/tailoring content for others to consume is already hard enough without having to tackle a corporate bureaucracy at the same time.

Now, on the extreme outlier end, that Stormwind Law Project I wouldn’t touch with a 10 foot pole. That there’s 10 pages of regulation for dungeon masters is a travesty. I might as well kiss my artistic freedom and enjoyment goodbye, having to dance around a full bureaucracy and be micro-managed. Yikes!

I tried to spin up a few times on Moon Guard within the last year and a half and unfortunately didn’t make very much progress. There seemed to be a relative disinterest (or worse: distrust) of content creation. I get it, though: age brings with it a certain degree of cynicism. We’ve all had to deal with so-called “villain” characters who try to live out a power fantasy under the guise of a storyline. But, having done the Duskwood and various guild communities, it felt like it was hyper-prone to guilds breaking up overnight or characters just disappearing. I was never quite able to hit my stride on Moon Guard the way I had back during the BC/Wrath/Cata era (I miss Brill) when the server was much younger.

It wasn’t until I decided to hop over to Wyrmrest Horde-side that I started to feel like I was getting some traction on the street. I recognize some of that as being just pure, dumb luck that I found a guild that was supportive and appreciative for what I wanted to do, without saddling me with a lot of extra bureaucracy and responsibilities like doing recruitment or running the guild.

At the end of the day, that’s all I ever really wanted. Let the man write!


I used to be in trade chat all the time on Kirsy. I trolled other trolls on Hordeside. It’s nice that trade chat on Alliance side has been chatty since the pre-expac. I should probably try to talk more on Larisi when I’m in SW or Dornogal.


I thought that Skyva here would be my first 80. Well, I made the fortunate mistake of rolling a pally mid DF and he actually hit 80 first. So, I’ve been drawn more to him as of the last few weeks. Pally is addictive.


Is there still an Alliance Guild Faire planned for October?

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