Alliance RP - Thoughts and Discussion

I already told you, not enough crayons. Then you went and dropped your manifesto while ignoring the part where I play on this server too.

Reading is hard. Being dumb on forums is harder. You’ve managed both :3

i feel like this would hold more weight if it didn’t show up alongside “lol WrA”, i’m sorry you don’t know how to be the change that i’m assuming you’d like to see on the forums

also i’m sorry for making longer posts on a forum, a place where you can make longer posts i’ll have to keep it in mind for next time no offense meant


Very good momentum, keep it going gang


it’s very easy to do when you’re farming gathering mats to sell for tokens

People left these crayons undefended and Imma eat em all!

Thanks for all the replies. It’s keeping my post to the top of the forums.


it’s a very valid discussion to have and keep afloat because ideally over time more people will be interested in throwing their lot in and there’s a better try for longevity that way

granted i was out for most of Shadowlands and all of Dragonflight + new expansion, everyone’s out still doing content but man there was something kind of “huh” about being around on a Saturday night one or two weeks back and not seeing a single person roleplaying

kind of a weird/bizarre feeling and sight when i slid into Wyrmrest, when it first opened, on the free transfer train from Feathermoon


It’s good, and despite us butting heads, I agree on this. WRA deserves to have flourishing RP and it’s nice to see what players might have ideas for. The MG bashing aside, I’ve enjoyed the ideas. I am wholeheartedly against the “Projects” of MG. The more we can do on WRA to offer different RP venues will certainly help in driving numbers up. I’ve been on Horde for the most part while here since MG’s Horde are a bit closed off to someone like me.

Here’s my thought, covered in crayon dust: People on the MG forums seem frustrated with the large dependance on Discord for RP. Things like guild faires and the large Hallow’s Eve event OP is planning are great steps forward, in my opinion.


Let’s not generalize all of Moon Guard as garbage.

It has a lot of people, a lot of mains here, myself included, have alts over there for slower RP times.

The entire server is not awful, goldshire is a meme and hardly counts for anything but a self-contained and self-sustaining tourist destination.

Most problematic people can be both here or there, they just tend not to last as long here as the community here is more interconnected and they get ousted quickly. On moon guard there are more spots to hide in.

The servers are the same, one is just way larger than the other.


I can understand why people are salty that the mass exodus to MG happened. It left WrA with a very unbalanced population and the RPers who stayed have less to work with when it comes to guild recruitment and walk up RP.

I spent the few months prior to TWW testing the waters on MG and trying to decide if it would make better sense to move my guild, but none of us really wanted to go. So we’ve got a handful of MG alts in my WrA guild and are happy with the arrangement.

I don’t think going to MG during slow times is an answer most of us here are looking for. What we want to do is recruit the new and returning players who show up here or offer alternatives for people who don’t want MG for whatever reason.

Now that the initial leveling period for the expac is mostly over, we’ve got not one but two walk up spots going now - Duskwood and Mereldar. That’s progress. And we have regular RP events like Quilen and Cloud Teahouse and Story Circle! That’s consistency.

We’re growing, but it takes effort. For cross-server guilds, I’d like to see those with a WrA population to consider holding some of their events here. And for the rest of us, I’d like to see us do RP pop-up events, taverns and activities.


I can understand that, and I apologize for my trollish nature earlier. The MG bashing is such a tired topic. I don’t want to be confused, WRA is not bad. It’s like Sarsi said, they’re equal servers just different in size.

We’re all just trying to play with our make-believe dolls at the end of the day. You got a good plan going, especially in hosting things on WRA. MG players love taverns, they have kinda been FOTM in RP for like two years now. They allow a guild or group of players to show who they are and cultivate an audience of like minded RPers. You might find success in developing things like that along the way.


I have a genuine question for those most outspoken, making the greatest efforts toward these RP initiatives.

I think we can all agree that everyone speaking here is interested in increasing the amount of RP happening on WrA-A. There have been many statements about how to make that happen. Many have acknowledged that in order to do this, new and returning players need to feel they have options and be made aware of whatever events may be taking place. It also seems to be the general sentiment that no one wants to see WrA become MG or to grow to anything resembling MG’s size.

My question then is: where is the line? How much do you all want to see this server grow? What is the ideal number you’d see the population increase to, and how do you intend to control growth if growth does indeed take place?

I know that’s more than one question, but it all has to do with the same idea. I ask it because I feel a certain cognitive dissonance when reading how we want to grow the community but then we also don’t want to grow the community. I also cannot shake the memory of how resentful many became the first time Duskwood blew up near the opening of WCP.


My thoughts as a player who started on WRA then moved to MG for Alliance during the “Event”:

The number one thing that will sway me to leave MG forever and never look back is to remove the drama of the Projects. They are all fighting to establish who is the agreed server storyline and then wanting recognition each time a new noble pops out of the dirt. As much as I ignore them, it is much harder to do at a guild level. Thus I would love to see WRA adopt a sort of policy where nobody speaks for a Kingdom or faction as a whole. That way leads to drama and politics, a thing I personally loathe. There are full out spies and sleeper agents when things get this bloated.

My best memories of WRA are when the guilds and groups represented what they actually were, a small organization of people. I don’t think it is tenable to manage or even limit the growth of WRA, instead I think the best we can focus on is growing a community that doesn’t lord their lore or plot over others and then constantly fan the fires of malcontent by spying on and interrupting others events.

I know my view is incredibly niche, but as an escapee of the depths of the Project guilds, that is my humble opinion on the future of WRA I’d love to see.

Tl;dr: Projects and server lore are dumb because there will always be someone who disagrees and then causes issues with it.

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Sorry about all this, my experiment escaped. I’ll be sure to come recapture them soon


I have not seen nor am I in cahoots with said “experiment”.

Behold the ingenious methods of the Royal Apothecary Society! Our subjects are not even aware of their own involvement to ensure pure and unfiltered results.


I still think resisting server lore was the right call. We were a scrappy and divisive people and that allowed a lot of individual stories to thrive.


I pretty much think of every RP server as being better than MG by default.


And I view Wildhammer Dwarves as the only good dwarves, so we both have our flaws.

I agree. And it’s also just as annoying to constantly get hit with:

  • “MG is for Alliance”

  • “you should just move to MG”

  • “You should come attend our MG event” (that will never be scheduled on WrA for a change)

  • “WrA and MG should just merge already”

  • “I can’t find a WrA guild” (as poster ignores all guild posts on forums)

All of these things just exacerbate the problem by doubling down instead of offering solutions. And no matter how much we try, there’s someone every few months who pops up with another one of these comments. It’s maddening.

TBH, I feel like we need to stop responding to any post that brings up one of these points and let it sink to the bottom of the forums while we keep posting positivity. It’s not doing any good to respond to someone with “hey we’d really like to show you WrA” only to have them go “oh don’t bother, I’ve already moved/quit/went to another game.” Basically, keeping these topics at the top of the forums should be avoided at all costs.

I don’t have a hard and fast number. It’d be nice to have Alliance population to be about equal with Horde population. It’s nice to have 2 spots right now for Alliance walk up. It’d be nice to have 3, including Stormwind because that’s where people head first. And it’d be nice to have another Horde location or a cross-faction one.

But this touches on something else I’d really like to see, and that’s advertising. I work in marketing and I have for probably most of my career. And we on WrA do an absolutely terrible job of advertising and promotion.

  • We don’t have a good, active list of WrA guilds or Discords.
  • We post adverts on the forums but not the Discords.
  • We post adverts on the Discords but not the forums.
  • We don’t post adverts into Trade Chat anymore.
  • We don’t remove old ads.
  • We don’t use humor or other things to catch interest.
  • When people tell us something needs to be changed, we ignore it.

There are events that aren’t getting advertised. And if we don’t advertise them, we get smaller turn out. Or the internal group who regularly attends can end up being a clique, and then when new people show up, they have a harder time breaking into the RP and will leave. And if someone critiques something, even constructively, it gets met with excuses as to why it can’t change.

  • We build population on finding ways to say yes, not ways to say no.
  • We build on our optics - how do we look to people who are trying to find a home? Are we active? Are we interesting? Are we consistent?
  • We build on giving no audience to people who keep repeating negativity.

That’s what we should be doing right now. If you look back, you’ll see a loooong thread from Thomas Bates about “come to Duskwood.” You’ll see comments going back for years - to a time when exactly zero people were coming to Duskwood. But you know what? It worked. Someone gave it a look. And then suddenly it became a hub.

So, we need to keep posting tavern events, and seasonal events, and expac-related events - and not just here, but everywhere. And we keep talking about them until people get curious and want to know what’s going on.