Alliance Roleplay

As a PvPer…

maybe crossfaction RP was the blessing I couldn’t comprehend


Pity for all the poor creatures who have never met a new RP friend on the opposite side of a PvP encounter.


Talon’s vengeance roleplay at the towers during Legion was magical.

Current main is on Horde but rp guild is taking a break, I’ve got a few low lvl alliance toons to lvl and then I’d love to join in on the fun! :slight_smile:

In all my years playing I can’t think of a lot of great RP I’ve been involved in that didn’t involve both factions in some way. It encourages people to think big and venture out of their cities and guilds, and everything feels more substantial and real when you have those elements of tension and unfamiliarity, even in peaceful situations.

That’s what Warcraft is all about - people from different worlds and backgrounds fighting, forming unexpected alliances, working together, rebuilding, and then fighting some more. I know that gets criticized as dumb and repetitive, but it’s also realistic.

One of the reasons early WoW was such a great setting for RP is because rather than one big linear plot or a massive in-your-face war, you had the feeling of a tense, unfamiliar world in which everyone was trying to find their place. While I do hope they eventually loosen the factions for PvE purposes, I also hope that some “war” stays in Warcraft, cold or otherwise.

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Hey folks. So many great people have reached out to me about helping out with the community. We’re hard at work getting things set up, so stay tuned! If you’re interested in a moderating role in the community, contact me personally on Discord or Both of those things you can find in the first post on this thread. Thanks for everyone’s interest!


Courts - I support your effort. Have found good RP on WRA while trying to support the YOTS cross faction event. I have moved to MG, but the same slow signs of (RP demise) are starting to show up there as well.

This is much more than a server/faction issue, it’s definitely a WoW RP community issue

posted a discord-friend request


The current expansion’s story is not very conducive to RP and coupled with the ABK scandals (RPers are usually the most socially aware group in a video game) there’s a definite decline in RP overall in this game. That’s not to mention people who RP on the side of doing PvE/PvP, both of which many feel have been lackluster since BfA.


Drama in the community might also have something to do with. At least for me, I got tired of waiting in Stormwind for rp, or walking up to someone and trying to rp only to get given the silent treatment because they heard some crap about me or something on their echochamber discord of somebody either making things up or taking things I say out of context

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I can’t really say how much this is an issue at the moment. I had someone harassing and, probably, slandering me for several months recently and I never saw a dip in my own RP participation ignoring the inevitable dip from the reduced population on WrA at the moment. I can say that a lot of people, at least on WrA-A, tend not to walk up to others. I can’t say anything about “echo chamber discords” or anything as I tend to limit my OOC interactions with others.

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i’m gonna be honest i have no idea who you are, i’ve never heard of you, no one’s ever talked to me about you, etc. but based on you posting stuff like this it makes me feel like you’re not worth the “risk”

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I mean…. Okay I guess? Sorry if I came of strong or something.

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“I don’t know you but I’m gonna present my opinion anyways yolo”
– everyone on basically any online discussion platform ever

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I am the riskiest person to talk to.

Sometimes I’ll use adjectives. So watch out. Watch out carefully.


Carefully is an adverb! It’s a trick!


Adverbs are half-adjectives! DON’T BELIEVE HIS LIES!

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Your verbal trickery won’t work on me! I have the power of both HP Lovecraft and JRR Tolkien on my side AHHHHHHH

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so did Blizzard… but it did not save them…

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“First they came for the verbs, and I said nothing because verbing weirds language. Then they arrival for the nouns, and I speech nothing because I no verbs.”