Howdy! As the title explains, I raid on alliance side (stormrage on a 7-10 pm CST t/th schedule) but would like to try my hand on the horde side for 9.2. I have been raiding consistently this xpac at the heroic level (aotc and some light mythic in CN and at 9/10 w/ current guild in SoD) and have raided in all roles on and off since wotlk. I mostly tank now but can dps as my off role when it is needed.
The specs that I can currently play well are:
The specs that I could regain proficiency are:
What I am looking for in a raid group is:
Nonelite mentality (The negativity just sucks the fun away from everyone. I play games to have a good time, after all)
Can complete aotc in a timely manner (mild-moderate dabbling in mythic is a plus)
Evening raiding schedule(CST), preferably weekdays
As 9.2 does not have a release date, as of the time of this post, I can either transfer some of my characters to Illidan or level a fresh toon, whichever works best. I am both able and willing to raid in SoD if your team is still running it. If you believe that I could be a good fit for your raid team, or would like more information, please reach out to me!
You can do so by responding to this post, by contacting me on discord: meaniehead#7360, or through Btag: meaniehead#1220