Alliance PvP summed up in one sentence

Is this going to be one of those situations where offensive stuff is said and the whole thing ends with “I was just joking/being tongue in cheek!”


I literally couldn’t care less about whatever dude, an arbitrary analogy between an effectively debunked insult to an entire generation of human beings and a garbage but completely unrelated video game system is not only assinine but absurd.


If only you were here to save us when an entire faction, and specifically those who played males of a certain green race, were painted with the same brush…or to call out the silliness of a poster being accused of actually wanting to kill humans because his character wanted to kill humans.

As for generational stereotypes, they exist for a reason. Are there exceptions? Yup. Absolutely, but the posts I referred to to, in my opinion, was the epitome of entitlement that that generation is known for.

I teach and I coach and I see it every day. I also fight on a daily basis for a lot of the issues a certain generation gives social media lip service to and if you want to take things out of the gaming arena I’d be happy to have a nice civil discourse with you sometime, as idealism is great but focused educated (not inferring you aren’t) is what gets things done.

As previously stated, reasonable minds can differ.

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Big yikes.


So you’re admitting the entire statement was at least incorrect slash needless, or simply that you don’t consider yourself posting in good faith?


I love how like… I backed off this and let it go, and it still gets dragged out.

What I actually love is that my initial instinct to side-eye this thread was actually spot-on, just not for the reasons I would have thought at first.


The topic started out tongue in cheek. Past that, there is a difference between people being offensive and people looking for an excuse to be offended. If p[eople are offended by my posts, so be it.

As to Levington, I was wasn’t actually referring to you.

No, Suyo, I am simply saying that we can both be reasonable, rational human beings and have differing opinions. That I disagree with you no more invalidates your opinion than your disagreement invalidates mine.

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I am the one who started the discussion about a subset of orc players, and then dropped it when it went badly. You were 100% referring to me.


And here I am in the middle - a GenXer who plays both factions! Booyah!



“My anecdotal experiences with people justifies my insane stereotype of all millennials”

Is as asinine and moronic as if I said

“The racist boomers I’ve experienced in my life mean the entire generation is made up of bigoted %@$! goblins.”

Such generalizations serve no purpose other than to expose your own bias.

And I’m not going to bother addressing the fact that you tried to invalidate my point because I dont try and police the forums every time someone makes a male orc warrior joke.


Given that you have literally instigated a direct attack on me, personally, we can not in fact disagree as rational beings. You have already failed that step.


I returned all my kid’s participation trophies. I actually have a whole lecture in one of the courses I teach at the local junior college on the damage participation trophies have done to society. It’s always a fun discussion.

And, no, Levington, I wasn’t. If I was I’d say so, especially as you posted in my thread early on. A lot of people have made similar statements. TBH, I don’t remember all the names of those wh have, as the SoO era of RP made a lot of people anti-orc and things got taken beyond IC. But if you want to believe it was you I was referring to, have at it.

In any event, I’m bored with this and its time to kill some Alliance. Oh, I better clarify, Alliance characters, not Alliance players. Because that would be wrong.

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The world will be a better place when boomers are gone and the reins are left to those able and willing to shape a better world without being constantly insulted, ridiculed, and hindered every step of the way.


Your generation invented participation trophies, though.


They did. But they defecate all over the millenials that are supposedly being showered in them when they are the ones who’re handing them out to begin with.


Yo I was literally just making a tongue in cheek faction banter joke, I take nothing on these forums seriously. Also fight me Nakhu

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There’s probably an interesting discussion why a generation that appears to be more sympathetic to hateful rhetoric as time goes on identifies primarily with a faction that often reflects that hateful rhetoric.

But that might be too broad a brush.


No brush is too broad apparently as long as you can claim to disagree as a rational being.


Broad brushstrokes are only bad when they apply to me and things I like. When it’s done to others, well, those stereotypes exist for a reason.


Here’s the thing about participation trophies - they really don’t mean anything in the course of the world.

Say you’re a kid doing a sport. You know who the best sports kid on your team is. You know who are struggling. You know who are doing ok. And you know who is going to get an award they actually deserve and who isn’t.

Participation trophies were created by parents who remember being not the best and are trying to protect their kid from the same feeling. The problem is, the trophy doesn’t do that. It placates a parent, but the kid receiving it still knows it’s a participation trophy and that they’re not the best kid on the team. In essence, they’re pointless other than to make parents feel better about their child.