Alliance PvP summed up in one sentence

I think it’s apparent this had little to do with the participation trophies themselves.


Confederate soldier statues?


Almost no one who complains about participation trophies actually cares about them (because they dont create entitled children, $*!@ty parenting does). What they are doing is searching for any reason to disparage an entire generation.


Yup. Which is why I just went ahead and made a general statement of my own. Tit for tat, if that’s really how it’s going to be.

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Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for any horde left in my phase.


If I was still playing in any decent capacity, I’d probably be more interested in warmode on my Alliance hunter. But I’m really not. I dislike end game so much rn that I tried making a new character. If I get it past level 15, I might do some PvP.

Most likely all I’m going to do is wait another few weeks for Classic. If I PvP, I’d rather do it there. Hope to see all the RP-PvPers on the same server, whatever we decide that’s going to be.

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I guess these discussions always confuse me, because it seems like undeserved entitlement is never actually on the table here. Like this:

That’s not entitlement; that’s efficiency, and minmaxing to get the most reward from the least effort is a completely logical and sound thing to do. We can’t really fault people for getting the most bang for their chrono-buck when what they’re doing is completely within Blizzard’s design.

(There’s also the super weird implication here that only entitled millennials play Alliance, but whatever.)

Other than that, most of what I’ve heard is complaints that millennials feel entitled to things that they’re actually entitled to (food that won’t kill them, the ability to go to the hospital, work hours that aren’t designed to consume your life) or insane, obviously-fake stereotypes (twelve iPhones at once, beachfront property while working minimum wage, etc.)

It mostly seems, when you drill down to the heart of it, that people use participation trophies to complain that milennials in general don’t subscribe to the classic American hypercompetitive “screw you I got mine” attitude, which to be honest, is probably a good thing.


Oh, cool, Nakhu’s back.

If you’d ever got a participation trophy, you’d be aware what a condescending insult it is, and how transparently it was about the ego of the parents, not the feelings of the kid.

It really sum up the core of the millennial experience with life: being blamed by your parents once you’re an adult for some idiot thing they messed up when you were a child.

Yes, they goldarn well do. I have met Baby Boomers who aren’t narcissistic monsters, but not most of 'em.

I can live with that. Nobody isn’t biased, and it wasn’t my people who burned down the world and then stood around sneering because people don’t like stumbling through the ashes.


Are we making boomer jokes yet?? Typical boomer using a dated insult, probably gets all their memes from Facebook. Watch out y’all probably gonna make a poorly dated south park joke next.


One of my favorite instructors stopped being my favorite the day she dropped a classic boomer-ism on the class:

“I know you guys probably don’t want to hear this, but the truth is millennials don’t want to work.

Yeah, because… putting ourselves in further financial risk by sacrificing time and money we don’t have to begin with for the sake of our academic program so that we can find better work… clearly means we don’t want to work. Thanks, Kathy.

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I know it’s already been said but gee I find it funny when older people are like “You millennials and your participation trophies.” When we definitely didn’t give them to ourselves. Blaming millenials for getting lazy because we got participation trophies is kinda like a parent making their child eat Maccas (Edit: I mean McDonald’s, you silly Muricans) for three meals a day, and then blaming the kid for getting fat. It really makes no sense.

PvP threads are the devil.


I fixed it :stuck_out_tongue:


Properly fixed.

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They tried that with the GenXers, too. They were mad that we didn’t want to work 80+ hours a week like they did and started calling us slackers. Even made a movie about it to make fun of us.

Sorry we wanted a life, boomers. How’s all that money you’re too busy to spend working out for ya?

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Their retirement homes are going to be the ditch behind Walmart, that’s how. Turns out there are consequences for torpedoing the economy, housing market, and environment.


My one-sentence summary:

I didn’t know about this, looks like I’ll be farming war mode on my Night Elf Druid.


you’re just mad about participation trophies because you’d need one in a 1v1 of Rise of the Triad against me


Literally how I feel and what I am actually truly doing when I read and post in such threads

I bet boomers like the new lion king more than the original unironically

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