Alliance post war dialogue


Those at least are some nice flavor touches. Now, does it actually result in anything? That will be the question.


The one seems as if it could be a prelude to tyrande going mad with vengeance.

That does seem within the realm of possibility for sure. Which could end with her going villain that needs to be put down or needing to be pulled back from the brink. I tend to lean against the villain option simply because I can’t see how that would play out with Malfurion still around. My assumption is that he would be capable of bringing her back to sanity before she crossed into full on villaindom. But stranger things have happened.


I dunno, hard to say, im kinda with you on her going villain though, the horde has lost 3 pretty major characters this xpack, you’d think the alliance would lose at least 1 too.


Honestly, the Alliance NPC dialogue is pretty nice here. The Horde stuff is good too, but its mostly about trying to pick up the pieces with what pieces we have left (and we cannot be choosy about which pieces are available to us). On the other hand, looking at these dialogue bits … it kind of makes me hopeful that the NEs will at least get a shot at Sylvie’s head (or Nate’s).

Granted, she has one extra life in the tank … so it would be more symbolic than anything else; but with Saurfang dead I am FAR less worried about Tyrande endangering the piece (and villain batting herself in some over the top way) with HIS death … rather than Sylvie’s. On the other hand, the risk that she adds to the kill-quota Sylvanas CLEARLY is desiring is also a tangible concern.

That is a good point. Plus if we are tallying up character losses, the Horde is still down one from the Cata-MoP-WoD-Legion sequence - the Horde lost Garrosh and Vol’jin and the Alliance lost Varian. Technically the Alliance lost Magni too, but he is back in diamond form, and Vol’jin is back in loa form…but you know what I mean :slight_smile:

On a related note.

What is going ON with the Vol’jin side story? It is honestly the ONLY Horde related narrative I’ve actually been interested in in BfA (since the Velanora side-story apparently vanished without a trace) … but there has been like ZERO movement on that Dead Troll front. Its weird…


ahhh I kinda disagree with you, you forgot rastakhan too, and the two new additions syl and sadfang. So im counting 5 for the horde and 2 (maybe 3 if we count the gnome guy, but he is technically not dead yet).

Also dunno whats up with vol’jin either, dont know yet how active he will really be in the game, I dont really count ghost form, dosent seem like he can make much of an impact on the physical world, unlike magni.

Like our entire roster has been gutted, I dont think its comparable tbh.

But anyway back on topic, That why I think she will go on a heck bent vengeance path.


Four. King Rastakhan was stolen from us and Talanji is in no way a replacement.


Oh sorry - I was unclear. I agree about all of that stuff. I was just adding the tally from previous xpacs, i.e. in those previous xpacs that from a certain perspective the Horde lost two (Garrosh, Vol’jin) to the Alliance’s one (Varian). I agree that the tally in this xpac is ridiculously one sided against the Horde.

Yea I dont wanna turn this into another horde v alliance thread, but yea this expansion tally is an external reason on why I think she’ll go down the vengeance path.

But your right before bfa it was pretty even overall.

Is the night warrior thing, kinda like the druid forbidden form? Where eventually you just cant control your rage?

Actually, I was trying to suggest that, based on previous xpacs, the Alliance is/was due to lose a leader. I always saw Varian as Garrosh’s opposite - so Varian dying, matched up Garrosh dying. The Alliance never really lost a leader to match Vol’jin dying. The tally in this xpac just exacerbated that discrepancy.

Is the night warrior thing, kinda like the druid forbidden form? Where eventually you just cant control your rage anymore and go crazy?

If you’re counting characters DENIED to the Horde:

  • Cairne died before Cata, and Baine’s own development has been staggeringly poor for him to serve as a proper replacement.
  • We lost Garrosh in MoP, and he died in WoD. We also lost Nazgrim.
  • We lost Vol’jin in Legion, his fate still is undetermined.
  • We now lost Saurfang, Sylvanas, and Nathanos in BfA. There also is no real sign of Gallywix, but his absence at the funeral (and his burning documents on the Loyalist side) … is telling about what way he might go.

Id love to see Gazglow as like a real horde leader mob boss type character.

Gallywix almost seems to dumb to really fit that position.


In an odd way, I kind of like Gallywix. I mean the Goblin starting zone shows him to be a pretty terrible person, but I really liked the Gallywix they showed in the Pandaria era short story - the one about the scroll. And I loved some of Gallywix’s dialogue in BfA - some of the snark about Nathanos and his dialogue during the Mekkatorque fight.

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Right there with you. What I want at this point is Gazlowe as leader of the Cartel. I want Rokhan to officially be the leader of the Darkspear finally. I want Eitrigg to lead the MU Orcs. I want Voss (as underdeveloped as she may be, there IS a foundation at least built) to lead the Forsaken. I want all four of these characters to see MASSIVE development and growth (and for supporting characters to be built up in their wake). Its almost necessary that Blizz do so with all this dmg.

Its picking up the pieces certainly … but hopefully there are a few diamonds left within the rubble worth salvaging. However, we also need Thrall and Rexxar to fully commit to the Horde now as well. They can’t be neutral anymore…


I know most people will hate it, but I actually like Shandris’ datamined response.

I also like that as far as the quite a few night elves are concerned, the Night Warrior is still out there hunting. Which is good.

Eh the sass is fine, but he did a lot of just like str8 dum stuff, like not putting more fuel in his azerite machine… was just silly.

I also feel he dosent portray goblins very well, they’re also pretty gritty in addition to greedy.

yea i dunno her response seems pretty passive.

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