Alliance: Pick your last allied race

but can you imagine a female saberon with the leopard or panther skin. egads. and the males, give them manes so they look like lions, standing upright? eek. /blinks dreamily


it would be fun to have a lion race on the lion faction i will admit


i’d love having alliance high elves. but if we’re talking specifically about using alliance allied races based available unused skeletons, then i think all we have left are a variant of worgen skeleton and variant of alliance pandaren skeleton. did i leave anyone out? my suggestions were worgen=saberon and pandaren=tuskarr

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I’ve fully convinced myself Mogu will be Pandaren’s AR. I’m trying to will it into existence.

only the original wod male saberon skins.
females would be based on the worgen female but with a feline snout. they would look marvellous


Ankoan, or maybe Saberon.

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female version would look how? any ideas?

Just my two cents but they could push that the kul’tirans were an allied race to the worgen while the void elves are to the humans.

the night elves seem to be by themselves.

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we swapped night elves for nightborne and blood elves for void elves. so the night elf skeleton is accounted for.

Ankoan IMO. The sethrak body type just seems like it would cause a lot of issues on a playable race, especially with gear fitting. Ankoan are more humanoid in shape, and an aquatic race would be really cool, especially if they had the option to be druids and had some aquatic inspired forms (snap dragon cat form ftw!) - That’d be something as cool to me as zandalari druid forms are.

I also think a regular/high elf skin should be available for both blood elves and void elves.

I guess that did sound like a crazy push. Felt like the night elves should’ve had an allied race since their home was torched.

Im glad they made Wildhammer a customization. Because I can already see the threads now of Horde favoritism if Alliance gets a reskinned dwarf while Horde gets something unique.


well they could be rolled into a half elf variant i suppose? elves of today are all variants of the first elves, highborne, who are then descended to nightborne and night elves. and later, high elves, half elves, blood elves and finally void elves. on the timeline, half elves predate void elves but there arent very many of them.




oh cool artwork. who did that?

Blizzard. Female Mogu have been around since MoP. They’re just getting a graphics update for 8.3.


just give us baby yoda species haha.
he’s so freakin’ adorable.


oh i dont remember seeing them. where were they ingame?

The only ones I remember specifically are the Twin Consorts in Throne of Thunder. They weren’t all over the place, and I don’t think there were any out in the world, only the raid.

I doubt the Pandaren will receive any form of Allied Race. Blizz has made their displeasure for neutral races known. And the Pandaren do nothing in every expansion since MoP. Even in Legion, they were sorely absent. My bet is Blizzard will close off with these last two AR’s (one on each side) and that’ll be that.