Alliance or Horde best for PvP?

So I am just getting back into wow. I am just a mid level exp PvPer.

I wanted was debating playing Horde. All trolling aside. Is it really better to be Horde over Alliance in PvP now days? Or are both factions pretty much equal now days?

I just dont want to faction change unless its truly going to be a better gaming experience for me. So hearing opinions from those that play both sides would be great! Keep in mind I am just a mid level PvPer.

All opinions on this subject are welcome. Thank you kindly!

I think your best bet would be to just play some BGs for a few days and see how your experience is. I’ve found that faction win rates can vary significantly depending on the time of day you play, with alliance generally doing better earlier in the day and horde doing better in the evenings. Toxicity from losing BGs seems to be present at both sides, not sure if one is worse than the other.

Personally, I’m happy with rolling horde, win rates seem pretty solid. Sometimes I don’t feel like waiting in queue and I’ll merc for alliance and usually they’re pretty decent too. Horde probably has a slight edge overall, there are others who could give a better figure but if I had to guess, horde maybe wins 55% while alliance wins 45% overall.

I primarily play solo queue random BGs so bear that in mind, but the bottom line is that I doubt it’s worth changing factions unless you’re really looking to maximize your winrate.


Go Horde, as an ally player random/epic bgs are just all horde all the time

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As a horde questing with warmode on you’re pretty much playing the game on hardcore mode, it’s not for the feint of heart. Stay with alliance if you really want a better gaming experience. Zug Zug.

You can do either. In the pvp area of your faction’s city (Boralus or Dazar’alor) there’s a npc that will allow you queue yourself as the other faction. So if you are Alliance and the pvp is sucking, you can just speak with that person and enable the ability to queue as Horde.

Thanks for the tip. I was on Tich for years. Im use to it.

This is the info I was looking for. Who controls WM most of the time? What are randoms like?

Atm alli controls wm cause of the AOO quest

Yeah I know its sharded. Wanted to hear Hordes exp. I got Horde slayer title pretty easy the other night. Got it in 15min. This was one of the main reasons I didnt just say Fudge it and go Horde.

Just wanted to hear both sides over all exp in All forms of PvP. From grouping for rated, Random BGs and Warmode.

I’ve been fighting horde half my living life.

Over those years I have realized that horde are better more of the time than alliance.

We still roll horde like dough in a bakery time to time though, MUAH

WM wise, the Alliance seem to be better at sticking together/forming groups. You’ll still find Alliance players off on their own for questing and leveling, but it’s not uncommon to run into an Alliance warband in areas where the PvP is getting heavy.

Horde players are just kind of all over the place, and it feels like we’re more prone to group together only after we’ve been struggling with a large Alliance group.

I hear this all the time, but I log on to my horde rogue (Never turned WM off since I leveled her to 120) all the time to do emissaries. Like once in a while I run into a giant 40 man raid at a flight point or something. But I never actually see them in the world.

I had just assumed war mode for alliance was get into a 40 man raid or die. For horde it was avoid those raids.

There is no AOO quest this week…

Alliance generally has a tougher time with warmode unless you get lucky and the other alliance have formed a death ball at a world quest. Although horde does it too and you tend to have more horde in warmode overall. That’s why the alliance has the higher buff.

I hope more people see this thread. Getting some really interesting responses.

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Neither, it is after all still wow pvp!

For Warmode its easy to feel like you’re on the losing side of a 10/90 ratio no matter what, since sharding and large groups overwhelm everything else. There might be fairly equal numbers of each faction overall, but one faction is likely camping the quest or flight point you’re looking for----the non-grouped players simply shard-hop through the group finder to find a “clean” realm to do business on. Its nothing like PVP realms from expansions prior where your server had an expected population spread, and grouping to camp dailies/FP was the exception rather than the norm. Very little organic, small-scale wPVP encounters happen when quests funnel us so narrowly into a few areas while other incentives reward raids to form.

As for BGs, if you’re talking non-rated, you might find better communities on Alliance. I’ve seen maybe a 55% win rate on horde, even to include the 40-mans now that we’re not able to exclude them from the queue. This means that Alliance are much more likely to feel like they need to group-queue, making the Alliance wins much more forceful than the average Horde win. If you play Alliance, plan to join a community or guild to play with rather than solo queueing and you won’t regret it.

Rated–horde is easier—more guilds, better guilds, and much easier to find PUGs. check the group finder and you’ll see many more options.


Whats your opinion of Random BGs? I Q for those a lot solo when bored.

Not too sure on those.

I only run Epic BG’s myself, but I would have to say Horde fall around the popular 50-55% win rate that you’ll see a lot of. AV seems to be won more often than not, with IoC being more of a toss-up recently.

Thanks for that. Hoping to hear from someone that does Regular BGs. Along with spends a lot of time in WM. Maybe someone who does this on Both sides? Then they can share an unbiased opinion

Zand Trolls do look AMAZING!

I have decided I am going Horde on my toons. Since a I main a Feral I couldnt pass up the sick looking Zandalari Druids!

Thanks for all the advice folks!

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So I took my Hunter Horde First. I must say I am having a much more pleasant experience. I have a twisted sense Of humor. On ally side when I joke around with people id go to reply with “hey im JK” and id get “________ is ignoring you.” I do the same thing on Horde I get the emote /cry from the player. Or a response of “NP man.”

Its just weird I always though the horde were the “edgy emo teens”. Now it seems to be the opposite. I can also make a reference to a film I enjoy from the late 70s and everyone gets it. On Alliance no one did! It was also quite a bit easier to get a group for the “the Alliance Slayer” title than it was to get "the Horde slayer counterpart.

I must thank all of you for your wonderful advice! It helped a great deal!

I am curious to hear how others experiences compare to mine.