Alliance opinions 8.3 spoilers

I think it’s settled now, Valeera x Anduin otp

They probably have a sibling relationship at best.

She’s around his age. They’re in their breeding prime and we know that elves lust after humans.

But getting rid of the Horde would be part of building a better world!

What’s even the point of rebuilding in Kalimdor if you’re pyromaniac murderous neighbours are still there?

At least get some Panda engineers and build. That. Wall!


Valeera’s last name isn’t Windrunner I think we’re safe.

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Yeah, when I did that one quest in which she brings Baine’s message to Jaina, I was worried Valeera had gone full-on Horde, just like Liadrin. I’m glad to see that’s not the case.

That would have even less sense than Voss joining up tbh. She’s a Blood Elf but not a member of the Horde.


When was Liadrin ever neutral or “Alliance member aligned” outside of Shattered Sun and Order Hall era?

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WoD, for starters. And you didn’t exactly see her slaughtering Alliance soldiers in MoP either. Plus, let’s not forget, it was Velen - an Alliance leader; who cleansed the sunwell of its corruption, while she watched. You’re welcome?

She has been the Blood Knight Matriarch for all those years, a command position in the Blood Elves. They were simply fighting a mutual enemy rather than each other. I don’t know why Blizzard usually chooses Blood Elves for that, but it does show them as one of two Horde races with armies of their own, the other being the Forsaken.


Blizzard says they are so they are. That is what being the writers means. They get to decide on what the reality is. Do remember, Blizz has stated that without the Horde there in Legion, the Alliance would have lacked the strength to fight of the Burning Legion.

I mean… I’m Horde and I’ll happily take that magic dragon ride!

Hop on doggo, we’re going back to the past!

Liadrin specifically led a Blood Elf army to AU Draenor not simply because of a mutual enemy, but because she felt that her people owed the Dranei.

I think she would have been an okay pick for Horde ambassador. As a paladin of the Light, she would speak Anduin’s language to a certain extent.


So did Tiffin.

I think Lor’themar would be a great pick if he wasn’t busy punching Thalryssa’s ticket to pound town.


Bruh… Valeera lookin that good made BfA worth it.

All what i am seeing is that the alliance roster is increasing but at the same time almost everyone is being anduinized.
only this expansion we regained almost all the proudmoores even the one who wasn’t cannon, a menethil, a fordragon.
The past expansion 2 legendaries sons of lothar at the price of khadgar becoming full neutral, i guess.

We even got valeera, the iconic rogue who is on hots and heartstone.

Who is next, whratlion?
The alliance roster is bigger than ever… it’s a shame that blizzard lacks the passion to write them all of them accordingly to their personality.
they are all anduins now.


Not wearing pants is an accepted clothing style, Whitemane and Paletress weren’t just early day sillyness.
Deepest lore.


Scarlet Crusade is more Alliance than these spineless dogs.

Just absolute rubbish is what that all is.

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Or at least write them accordingly to their personality in a way that does not make them outright villains/evil. The Alliance DOES have reason to be leery of the Horde, anyone after at least preparing for the Horde to once again backslide should not be villainized.