Alliance opinions 8.3 spoilers

I’d be lying if I said that’s something I would be against.

Gods I’d love to be able to play with my buddies again lol.

As for my take away from the dialogues. I’m curious to see what the Horde leaders have to say about the end of the war, but if most of the people on both sides are taking a “Let’s hope this actually keeps ish quiet” then great. I’m all for breaking the cycle if it means the story can actually go forward.

do you think we like to be now under the command of the human god emperor?

you can play with fair skin blond elves like me :wink:

I’d rather keep playing my strong independent black woman. /snapsfingers, rolls neck


she is a priestess

Shandris isn’t being unreasonable but neither is Tyrande. Both points are valid and in fact they can do both. Genn is awesome. He knows that we must prepare for the future.


With how close she is to the family if is almost like she was extra close to his dad…he did like blondes

Who is to say that they won’t try asking for it first? This is the issue I have with positions like yours, they are only able to assume the worst is what will happen.

Only if they did not plan for such a possibility, hell if I was writing the story I would be making it clear that the Alliance, especially the Night Elves, do prepare for the possibility for the Horde to once again backslide but I would not be having the Alliance/Night Elves attack the Horde just because they MIGHT backslide.

My only concern with Tyrande is Blizzard writing her as pulling a Sylvanas and attacking the Horde just because of something they might do. As long as she settles for Sylvanas’ head I foresee no immediate issues.

At this point, the best way to do that is to take a “hope for the best, prepare for the worst” or “if you want peace, prepare for war” stance. The Alliance has reason to be leery of the Horde, even if they are changing their leadership, but at the same time since the council has Horde members that have aided alliance or worked with them before as well as those that likely won’t want to fight the alliance in any more then a defensive war, what harm would likely happen if the Alliance or Night Elves struck without provocation?

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Same. Settling for Sylvanas is more than reasonable.

This is the best option but of course it’s in opposition to Anduin.:roll_eyes:


Anduin is young and naive, some of the other alliance seem to be his complete opposite. In my mind Blizzard should be writing those against him as advising him to at least prepare for the worst with the help of those that are already taking that path. Varian would likely take that path, in fact I think that should have happened at the end of MoP, but unfortunately since Blizzard wanted Sylvanas to be warcheif, Varian died so his promise to end the horde should they forsake honor again could not be fulfilled.


Can the Night Elves really afford to believe them? They did last time and the Horde burned down their home and slaughtered their people. History is against the Horde because everyone has believed they could be better and every time they’ve betrayed that faith that was put in them. Why do it again? Honestly it’s not just naïve to do it it’s moronic.


Yeah, the Horde is way too irresponsible to wield the power that they do now.


Since you seemed to have missed it:

You keep approaching the argument from the stance that the Alliance/Night Elves will, once again, be trusting the Horde in a way they don’t prepare for the Horde, even rogue members of the Horde, to backslide again.

Yet HOW many times was that faith not tempered with preparing for the Horde to attack/backslide again? This is the point some are trying to get across.

It is moronic to not prepare for the possibility of the horde backsliding, but it is just as moronic, not to mention EVIL, to attack just because “if we don’t they might attack us”. This is the reasoning Sylvanas used to get Saurfang on her side pre-BFA.

Let me put it this way, Horde struck first in the past almost every time, whenever they did, the end result was a split among the Horde leading to a LOSS. When the Alliance, or alliance member struck first, like Jaina’s father, they LOST. You say history is against the Horde? Seems to me it is more against the ones that “strike first”. So if you want to strike the Horde first, feel free but be prepared to lose and don’t expect mercy from the Horde when they wind up winning.

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Anyone thinking there will be long-term peace is insane. They’ll go back to a faction war in two expansions or so, just like always.


I know Baine being in SW is memeworthy and all but if there’s going to be peace he’s the obvious pick for ambassador. Should honestly have someone from the Alliance in Ogrimmar too for similar purposes.


What do you propose then? That we forgive them and work with them like they didn’t just slaughter the Night Elves wholesale? That’s a betrayal of those who died. Maybe we shouldn’t wage war against them but ffs the way this is going we’re being painted as wrong for not wanting to hold hands and sing kumbaya.


Who would you pick?

I feel like one of the Bronzebeards would be a good pick. Unlike Baine with the Horde, no one would doubt their Alliance credibility, but they have still shown themselves willing to work with the Horde.

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Jaina Proudmoore.

Uneasy working together to hunt down Sylvanas, each side leery of the other side and only those willing to be among the opposite faction mixing. As far as “forgive and forget” I’d settle for neither or, if one has to happen, forgive but not forget. After Sylvanas is taken care of, pull back to within their borders but make sure that the Horde, or Alliance if Horde, can’t easily launch an attack against us/them.

That is on Blizzard’s writing staff, most of us players likely want those leery of the other faction to be unwilling to hold hands, but at the same time not wage war against the other faction.

Jaina probably. I mean the blood elves have a beef with her but at the same time she’s been able to work with Lor’themar before and it’s not like she’d be in Silvermoon specifically.

If Jaina would be too contentious with blood elves/zandalar, perhaps Moira.