Alliance opinions 8.3 spoilers

Freakin’ Muradin. That was a good laugh.

“Now that Sylvanas isn’t part of the Horde, it could be different.”

As though she was it’s founder and leader from the getgo.


I know I should be over this by now, but I’m absolutely amazed that this is the story that Blizzard chose to tell again. I hope there is a heck of a twist coming in the next two weeks because this it’s insane to make Tyrande the villain and have all the Alliance leaders just willing to put everything on Sylvanas alone when Garrosh was just a few years ago.


Can we use Time Travel to find a timeline where BfA never happened? Or is the Bronze Dragonflighg only allowed to work for the Horde?


The Alliance leaders sure are quick to forgive, I must say. For good or ill. Even Jaina has become very mellow in comparison.

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Because having a spine is against Alliance values.


Im sorry anya

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Pupper, post links like a civilized dog, please.

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I’d say having a spine is not against Alliance values, but then again, some Horde thought Baine going to the alliance or standing agsinst the Banshee Queen meant he did not have a spine. The issue is more those with a spine, or shown to be against the rest of their faction are made to either be villains by Blizzard or the worst thing for their faction by the players.

If Blizzard could write having a spine not taking a darker path then this would not be an issue. If Tyrande ceases her attacks on the Horde once Sylvanas is taken care of and signs the treaty with that condition met, then maybe Blizzard has finally gotten the hint. If not, sorry, Tyrande is a future raid boss.

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I thought i was…

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Blocking them like that means that you can’t copy the whole link without quoting the post first. Just use the apostrophe method.

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After seeing that image of Baine I now want a 3rd faction more than ever to join. The Horde has lost the remaining balls it had.


“The Alliance has its share of disparity within it as well, and different facets that have bubbled up over the years,” said Danuser. “The Alliance is going to have to realign itself. Especially the Night Elves who lose their home. How are they going to react to this? There’s going to be a real self-examination of what the Alliance is about, and how they want to behave. Do they want to get revenge on the Horde, or do they want to build a better world? That’s a question they need to answer.”

Don’t you just love being lied to?


Honestly I think ‘Do they want to get revenge on the Horde or do they want to build a better world?’ is exactly what Blizzard is giving the Alliance now. Not saying it is a good thing but this was inevitably where it was headed. Particularly with some voices complaining about the lack of internal tension in the Alliance. That cursed monkey paw curled another finger.


Some of this dialogue really shows how awful the faction conflict is.
It is all about the Horde misbehaving because they just need a Warchief to go “yes let’s mass murder Alliance” and the masses are all for it.
Did Blizzard think a plot intended to shame Horde players would be beloved?


I don’t see these as mutually exclusive. As long as the Horde exists a better world isn’t possible. They had their chance, multiple times, to shape up and this is where we are now.


No, a better world is possible even with the Horde existing, If the Night Elves attacks, just as the Horde might finally get their act together then I’ll be among the first to say that as long as the night elves exist a better world is not possible. They could have pulled back and waited for the first sign of trouble from the Horde yet they took the same route as Sylvanas. Anyone who acts or uses the same reasoning as Sylvanas is a detriment to the betterment of the world.

Keep in mind, Blizzard seems to be unable to write aggression as anything but evil. I actually think that Tyrande and the Night Elves have reason to be leery of the Horde. At the same time however, since they are moving from warchief to council (what should have happened when Thrall stepped down but definitely when Garrosh was overthrown) could that not be a sign that things are finally changing?


Glad to see they actually showed Anduin giving back Fearbreaker.


Alright let’s go with the hypothetical we gave them a chance: one expansion from now they decide they want something the Night Elves have and come and finish the job. Does that make everyone who trusted them a third time fools?

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no more factions horde players and alliance players will be able to enter the two faction cities and work together