Alliance needs high elves

To those upset that I create this thread, you all have my deepest apologies. Had I seen there were a larger thread already I would have simply posted there.

How hard can it be to see the thread, since it gets posted in so many times, and usually is right up the top of the page all the time.

That’s fine, we get it now. Some people spam to:

  1. Make the community itself look bad as a troll.
  2. Actually believe that spam will help. I got told their megathread was useless by someone who wanted high elves once. It confused me.

Seeing as you’re neither, at this point we’re just cruising along. Lucky for you, the community you’re looking for is probably bigger than you thought.

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Arthas, became the very evil he wished to stop. In the end the hero fell and became the villain. Great story, but a sad one also.

Do you realize why the Blood Elves are not in the Alliance? There is no way in hell, they will come back to the Alliance. The Alliance basically stabbed them in the back and left them to die, just cause they tapped into mana so they would not die…Alliance basically said “How dare you fight for your people’s survival, you are now traitors.” And began killing them on mass, forcing them to run to seek shelter in Outlands under Illidan’s care.

I am alliance, I know when our faction screws up. To be honest. I am waiting for Tauren to switch sides…

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The OP wasn’t really trolling, but this is.

Warcraft 3 is one of my favorite games.

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He stopped being a villain when the hearty band of adventures took him down. Then some other guy was all “I’m totally needing on this helm, brah. It’s BIS for me”. The rest is history and now Arthas lies in his conspicuous Stormwind tomb. Helm ninja is currently my dk’s boss.

Oh man, Heck yeah. I played all Warcraft games, even still have a physical copy of Warcraft Orcs vs Humans. The 4 floppy disc box set.

I am excited for Warcraft Reforged!

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Is there a way to delete a thread? I have just added my comment to the original thread so I was going to take this one down.

I don’t think you can delete a thread

Same : ) it is the main reason I play wow now.

How many different elf races does one faction need? You have 2 already, do you really need a 3rd?

Post in the Mega thread. Reporting as spam.

OP to fix this problem I reccomend saying in your first post:

“I didn’t realize there was a megathread on this matter and didn’t mean to spam.”

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I did. I would like to take this one down. I don’t mean to spam.