Alliance needs better pvpers

We could make some simulations ourselves by making lists of skills, and classes, and pitting 10v10 against each other, as you might find in a WSG Battleground situation. Something like that can definitely be simulated.

At least in that way, we could see something that would indicate what sort of advantage Horde racials give over Alliance. That’s all I mean about that.

I understand that, but I’m also curious as to whether that’s just a “PVP happened on a PVP server” issue, or a faction balance issue. Or perhaps a server capacity issue (I certainly don’t think it is a racial ability issue, but maybe it is).

Anecdotally, I spent a couple of hours on an Alliance character on Stalagg today to see if I could better understand whether there is a problem.

Because, if there actually is, then I also think that the playerbase could do something to help resolve it (at least something rather than complain).