Because I’ve pointed out that Nightborne and Night Elves aren’t the same where Void Elves and Blood Elves are and that you are one sided, that’s what you consider yikes? I mean you just called the other person you are replying to toxic but are you sure you aren’t the toxic one because you can’t even stand being corrected.
the difference is that was an NPC faction dude. Not one for players. There is a problem when you create a faction system between the playerbase and then you start making it so one faction’s core races have been copy and pasted to the other faction. It’s not good.
The amount of purposefully missing the point arguments is pretty clear from you though.
it’s hard to talk about the purge because of how mishandled it was. on one hand supposedly everybody was just imprisoned. then we got other quest text saying people were actually killed. it’s a mess of conflicting info.
I would go with Furbolg, Broken, or Vrykul which could add druid and shaman options. I would also ease a little bit off of the cosmic races for the Alliance until the Horde catches up a bit.
Almost nobody likes the in-game human male model. (The in-game human female model is okay.) The reason people play humans in WoW is usually because their racials are good in PvP, or because they want to play a paladin that isn’t a dwarf or draenei, or because they think it’s dishonest to play a void elf in-game if you aren’t a void elf IRL. So I think nobody would care.
The reason Horde players never ask for playable Horde humans is because they already basically got a hotter version of what they wanted back in TBC.
classic/tbcc for sure. I have a human rogue running around. Not picked for rp and such. Need all the help I can get. Bonus to sword…yeah I’ll have me some of that.
Retail the alliance pvp goto is human. CC breaker as a racial means I get the option to take the cc time reducer agility trinket instead. Its proved useful.
Start at the monestary, graduate levels from Western Plaguelands to Eastern Plaguelands to ruins of Lordaeron to Shadowfang Keep to Hillsbrad, to Southshore, to Stromgarde and ultimately? STRATHOLME as the city capitol of the Lordaeron Remnant, (Scarlets.)
Make them taller, thinner but still more athletic than SW humans, with all kinds of quest motivations and culture shock conflicts from the Forsaken, that is U N L E S S… -
-… The Forsaken inherit all the necropoles from the Scourge and pretty much coast out of Lordaeron and can launch assaults from anywhere their War Council, (Horde) wish.
The idea is to tie all the myriad former city-states that the humans had during WC 2 Tides of Darkness with an either antagonistic core concept/motivation (Scarlets) or a “condition,” like the Worgen of Gilneas.
Frankly, the decimated armies of SW are severely depleted. This would make it a pretty pressing recruitment need to absorb the Scarlet Crusaders.
Lordaeron, Northrend, and the Scourge are by far the best things in this entire franchise. It would be so awesome to be a Scarlet fanatic opposed by both the Alliance and the Horde.