Alliance needs a slam dunk Allied Race

High Elves are in the game already, they now call themselves blood elves, and are on the Horde, so you can play one currently, but you refuse to, due to not being on the Alliance. It’s bad enough the a void elf can look like a blood elf now, but that’s not good enough for your ilk.


Alliance in general seems to less popular so it makes sense that the least played races would be alliance.

That site can’t be true, it says there are 7 guilds on the whole server lol

Issue I had was the oh…tyrande was mean to me bit.

okay…tyrande was being direct. No tact. And sylvanas was nice to us.

Oh you mean the nice sylvanas who engages in bulk necromancy and is buddy buddy with helya? I mean she come and goes like its cool where as we have to pass a trial. and even then she tries to back out on that deal? then there was gilneas. No bioweapons, girlfriend, goes the emissary. She goes okay to the horde emissary. Emissary leaves. Okay…fire off bioweapons.

All of that crap is why I don’t see how this played out. I’d have first arcanist going well…at least Tyrande is not a biological warfare using leader of an army powered by necromancy. May be a butthole…but there are worse things.


Yeah I’m considering moving my mage from night elf just for that.


You do know Nightborne are Night Elves… right?

I guess it just goes to show Blizzard actually cared more about the horde by changing Nightborne just enough so people couldn’t event tell, while Void Elves are just ctrl-z blood elves.


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Except they aren’t. They have been split 10 000 years ago. Nightborn are as much night elf as they are blood elf. In fact they are actually closer to blood elf than they are to night elf since they both are highborn.

Nightborn using night elf model doesn’t make them more night elf. High elf use to have the night elf model and weren’t more night elf because of that.

Why can’t people realise that the Tyrande thing was just a last second reason that blizzard use for people that couldn’t realise that Nightborn were just closer to blood elf…


I’d be ok with that.

I love my void elves (And my blood elves) immensely, but a different stance and animations would not bother me at all.

Also more mechagnome changes would be welcome as well to be honest.

I have never encountered a third party population site that has actually accurate information. My servers never show up for instance.

I doubt their capability for being good for even generalizations.


New/unique animations would just be all around refreshing in general for them and make them feel “new”.

More changes in general for everyone would be great. There’s a lot i’d like to see for multiple races. A lot of them need some more options. Even some of the core races which already had some upgrades.

I could name so many things here but i think pretty much every race could use some new faces. There’s not much variety for a lot of them. Same with Tattoos & more hair colors.

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I see animation changes as a separate thing to customizations, since they’re not something we pick, but yeah.

Plenty more could be done for every race for sure. Simply making them have some parity between groups would be nice. Everyone having tattoos for instance. Everyone having scars…

Not to mention more of the things that make them unique, and if they’re continuing with Customization over ARs more options there. Blood Elves getting Dark Rangers, Dwarves Frostborn. Tauren Taunka.

(Though I want to say that I prefer all of those as AR’s on their own.)

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Dark Iron are too cool to give up for a bunch of foxes


This is not a ‘racial ability’. What you’re suggesting is that races should appear different, which is fine. A racial ability is an ability only one race has. Your suggestion is no different from Druids in form.

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Murlocs aren’t worthy enough to be an allied race, they should be mainly used as a canon fodder merc army. They are literally dumb like the Hozen lol.

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Most of the animations cannot be changed though because they are part of class or “signaling” animation. The idle/sit-animations is likely one of the few which makes sense to be changed at all.

The claw attack should be available to the players though, it’s part of the Worgen-fantasy ever since you fought against them and would justify for melee-classes to be the vicious predator they have become.

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I imagine they’re referring to standard idle stances, walking animations, running animations, swimming animations and such.

Every race has a great deal of unique animations. (Excepting some AR’s who have their main parents animations either in full or partially.)

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You literally responded to me over that with “racial balance”.

I don’t think you meant to quote me at all at this point.

You both are missing the point. The claw animation is part of the weapon id, they need to make a new one and base it on the dagger-animation (which should be this hard) while making the slashes different.

It’s not a racial, it’s a feature compared to the weapon-less attack option for the Monk class.

However, the Worgen needs better racials.

  • Altered Form/Two Forms should be a free features for the race (if it isn’t already one) and not occupy the slot
  • Flayer is absolutely mindless and doesn’t suit them.
  • Running Wild should be an instant mount like Druids have it + it should also work in dungeons/raids with a reduced running speed
  • Darkflight should be a point-on-click damage skill where you leap to the enemy

No it isn’t. Literally log into a Worgen, take your weapons off and go melee something. Fist weapons have been using the bare hand animation for a large majority of races since forever.

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My mistake. I meant it has to be part of a new weapon ID if they are going to make a claw animation which works with everything.

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I think Worgen combat racials are fairly balanced. If anything Viciousness could be buffed and Dark Flight could be reworked into a simple leap to mirror Goblin Rocket Jump so Alliance has reliable access to bypass niche boss mechanics like Horde have since goblin became playable.

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I agree worgen need the ability to fight with their claws. This is one thing that’s kinda deterred me from playing a Worgen for a long time. It’s very annoying seeing NPC fight with their claws yet you as the player can’t.

Also they need the ability to stand upright like the Orcs got. They’d look a lot more imposing.