Alliance keeps losing its Identity

high elf fanboys were funny at first but now they are just annoying


If being the “same blue skin” (same as who, exactly?) is dull, why do you think being flesh toned would be new and exiting when Blood Elves and Humans are playable?

Firstly, they have implied they could do Wildhammer Dwarves in some variety in the future. Dark Iron are only even a thing because their leader, for players, is Moira, a Bronzebeard. They are not the traitor Dark Iron: there are still hostile factions of Dark Iron, just like there are of Humans.

Oh, so it is actually a not-so-thinly-veiled High Elf thread. Neat.

Excuse me, what? The Order of the Silver Hand, the orignal Paladins, have never had Kul’tirans or Gilneans among their ranks, and been represented just fine in human society. Is this a joke?

Ok, what am I even reading now?

Each faction is supposed to have an even spread, else they are just bland, boring, one-note factions. Alliance are not wholly good. Horde are not wholly evil. This is not a Saturday morning cartoon.

You mean people who were literally front and center last expansion while Jaina was completely absent? They can’t tell everyone’s story at all times, all the time, man.

“Controllable High Elf NPCs.”


Teldrassil and Lordaeron are both obliterated and abandoned (Undercity doubly so, being ruins of an already ruined city).

Nobody “claimed” either of them, and Darkshore looks to be getting canonically retaken by the Night Elves, so I don’t understand your complaint here.

Like, if you want to be mad about High Elves, either say it outright or dress it up better.


And thank the lord for that


Marketing Ideas:

“For her pleasure!”

“If you’ve a thing for calamari . . .”

“Not slippery, sleek!”


Please no more elves. Pretty please… unless of course they’re tiny gnome-sized elves. Those would be cool. They could ride little kitten mounts!



Posting in a Wallurian thread


The people of Southshore, Darnassus and Gilneas would like to have a word with the people of Lordaeron, but sadly most of them can’t.

PS: In case you don’t understand it: if the people of Lordaeron feel entitled to massacre every single living creature, take other cities that are completely alien to them and plague them entirely, then the Alliance is completely entitled to take Lordaeron, regardless of what the people of Lordaeron think about that. Well, sorry, of what Sylvanas thinks about that–the undead are nothing but mind-controlled puppets who believe they’re free. Like Western society in fact. Funny. We’re all Undeads.

Everyone who flagged the OP should be suspended for abusing the flagging system but we know that isn’t going to happen.

The Alliance story this expansion seems as if it were forced writing and pretty bad, but I don’t see how more races/options ruin the identity of the Alliance of today. The old Alliance is long gone and won’t ever be back.

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Have you been playing this game?

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No and no.


This is probably going to keep happening until the High Elf Megathread unlocks for good

The thread should unlock for good, but he should not be doing this…


Agreed. Everyone knows I’m for High elves, but this High Elf Pollution really needs to stop. He’s doing more damage than good


Lol some people actually think that the OP is not a troll??? The Thread being talking about high elf not being playable and this is spamming and its clearly also a troll post. That 2 good reason to flag it. Banning people for flagging this would be the worst idea ever.

If anything people like you should be ban for encouraging troll and spam thread.


You can post your disagreement with a thread topic a single time and go about your business and your opinion is stated for all to see.But coming into a thread on 5 to 6 alts to derail the conversation is most definitely trolling.

You see what is not there nor what was the intent of my answer to the question the other poster had made, not my issue but your’s.

Calm down edgemaster general

3 of horde major races don’t even have an official leader right now.

It’d be just as “dull” playing the same white skinned elf race.

Play a Dwarf Shaman. Bam, you are Wildhammer. Or play a Dwarf Hunter and tame a Gryphon. Bam, you are Wildhammer.

The Dark Irons were enslaved, and the ones who joined under Moira actively helped her to overthrow Ragnaros - that’s like saying humans are traitors because Blackmoore and his men were bad eggs.

Alleria got tons of screentime last expansion, as well as a decent amount to bring in the Void Elves. Valeera likewise was heavily involved in the Rogue Campaign in Legion, and has now made a resurgence in BfA. Vereesa as well got her time to shine (following her heavy involvement in Pandaria) with her involvement in the Hunter campaign, and her time in Three Sisters. If Tyrande and Malfurion need some time to shine in BfA after their home was literally burned down and their people slaughtered in mass, then I can forgive Vereesa not showing up for eight seconds.

Paladin culture does not suffer with the lack of Worgen and Kul Tiran paladins. The idea of the Light has always been a heavily Stormwind/Lordaeron concept - Gilneas and Kul Tiras have their own identities, independent from the former two.

Body shape is not a factional culture.

You’re right, there is no lack of good noble races! Plenty of them have shown their nobility in their own ways, all working in tandem as an Alliance.

Exhibit A: You.

Well this is a thing that happens OOCly, and it largely happens not because they’re paladins or they aren’t worgen. It’s because they make threads like this.

Anduin has gotten plenty of character development in Legion and Before the Storm. Alleria and Turalyon likewise, not to mention their reintroduction on Argus. Muradin… I’m unsure how much more character development he needs.

Meanwhile, Jaina getting character development in the expansion that focuses heavily on her home and her history makes total sense. Taelia and the Kul Tirans likewise, since we’re literally in Kul Tiras for the majority of the expac (and Taelia is a new character that needs time to be built up).

C’mere a sec, I need to tell you a secret… you ready?

World of Warcraft is not an RTS.

You’re whining about Lordaeron (which I’ll wager is a bigger loss for the Forsaken playerbase than the Human playerbase), yet you’re perfectly content to mock the Night Elves for not only the loss of Teldrassil, but the eternal contention of Darkshore. Wallurian, you have to realize - the Alliance has become more than what it was in Warcraft II.

Sure it does. You just don’t like it, because you prefer an older one.

If you dislike that the faction has progressed since the RTS, the Horde is there waiting for you. If you dislike that people disagree with your view of its “true identity” (which is really just your subjective opinion), the Horde is there waiting for you. If you think that you’re getting picked on simply for being a Paladin, and not because you make posts such as this in which you actively mock other members of the playerbase - the Horde is there waiting for you.


The citizens of Lordaeron are STILL living there, how would you like it if your home city was nuked and YOU were kicked out…forsaken were rejected by their OWN people, show us all the undead that are still living in your home Waldo, waiting ???