Alliance keeps losing its Identity

No Playable High Elves since they are overshadow by Void Elves. Plus kind of dull at this point of being the same blue skin elf race.
No Playable Wildhammers since they are overshadow by Dark Irons. Plus Traitors who cause problems within the past are fine now. RIP Celtic Dwarves
Lack of Loveable Elf Characters gets overshadow by Terrible Elf Characters. RIP Vereesa, Valeera, and Alleria. No Screentime.
No Paladin Culture in Human Society due to the lack of no Worgen/Kul’tiran Paladins.
No Thin Human Wizard Culture nor Dalaran being Allies of the Alliance.
No Lack of Good Noble Races of the Alliance. Just Edgy Evil Races that is Cringe.
Humans are mocked at and shamed for ether being Paladins or not being Worgen.
No Actual Character Development Characters like Anduin, Alleria, Turalyon, Muradin, and etc. Other than Jaina Proudmoore and Taelia and the Kul’tirans.
Arathi Highlands lost its RTS Identity with lack of Controllable High Elf Npcs.
No Actually Wins for Claimed Lands that were lost like Lordaeron since its still ether unclaimed or lost to the Horde all the time.

Alliance Faction has no Identity what’s so ever and makes me wonder why I even play this faction if I were get callout for defending its True Identity by Toxic Players within the Faction or just get mocked and picked on for just playing a Paladin.


The people of Lordaeron would like to have words with you.


Blizzard has been doing this for awhile, im still annoyed that in wotlk a bunch of draenei vindicar offered their service to the alliance in one of the first zones and the alliance (humans) told them to pound sand. Its a continent filled with undead, your there to kill the lich king, paladins have undead squishing abilities, why would you turn them away. To my knowledge it still hasn’t been acknowledged in game why humans don’t trust the draenei.

Aparently even the alliance thinks paladins arnt needed.


I have absolutely zero idea what your going on about.

I’m pretty sure your just wrong in this regards.


How is this guy not banned from the forums yet? lol


Void elves are blood elves who are high elves… Is skin color everything?


Trying to keep that Human Paladin stigma strong huh?


Pretty sure that was because the person giving orders was being controlled by Prince Valanar.


Night elves are already the best elves, so your stuck with us buddy.:slightly_smiling_face:


Oh so thats what this is about.


You do have fangs. And can break us over your knee.

But the Void Elves have tentacles…

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You were expecting something else?


I suppose not. I probably should thank the OP for putting the TLDR in the first sentence and saving me from reading the whole thing


The most boring factor that makes the Alliance lose it’s identity is that every culture gets overshadowed by the humans’ culture.


But we also have black eyes.

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Laeth gets a good laugh out of me.

How is it that you can say there are no truly good, noble races when Draenei, LF Draenei, and Gnomes are a thing? Hell, even most Dwarves are good folk too.


I would imagine since he is less a forum spammer and troll than the 3 main “Anti- High Elf” forum trolls are. One infact feels the need to post from at least 5 characters just to derail any thread that even mentions the words High Elf. None of them seem to be banned why should he.

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Good point.


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Dwarves are THE most noble and loyal race.

There is absolutely no bias behind that comment. None. 0.