Alliance keeps losing its Identity

If being the “same blue skin” (same as who, exactly?) is dull, why do you think being flesh toned would be new and exiting when Blood Elves and Humans are playable?

Firstly, they have implied they could do Wildhammer Dwarves in some variety in the future. Dark Iron are only even a thing because their leader, for players, is Moira, a Bronzebeard. They are not the traitor Dark Iron: there are still hostile factions of Dark Iron, just like there are of Humans.

Oh, so it is actually a not-so-thinly-veiled High Elf thread. Neat.

Excuse me, what? The Order of the Silver Hand, the orignal Paladins, have never had Kul’tirans or Gilneans among their ranks, and been represented just fine in human society. Is this a joke?

Ok, what am I even reading now?

Each faction is supposed to have an even spread, else they are just bland, boring, one-note factions. Alliance are not wholly good. Horde are not wholly evil. This is not a Saturday morning cartoon.

You mean people who were literally front and center last expansion while Jaina was completely absent? They can’t tell everyone’s story at all times, all the time, man.

“Controllable High Elf NPCs.”


Teldrassil and Lordaeron are both obliterated and abandoned (Undercity doubly so, being ruins of an already ruined city).

Nobody “claimed” either of them, and Darkshore looks to be getting canonically retaken by the Night Elves, so I don’t understand your complaint here.

Like, if you want to be mad about High Elves, either say it outright or dress it up better.