Alliance is better than Horde if you don't Mythic Raid

  • Alliance have superior races ( visually and gameplay )
  • PVP queue pop instant
  • Less M+ groups so groups have to accept ‘’ sub ‘’ class , less competition to fill groups
  • Warmode buff
  • More chill , casuals playerbase
  • Mogs looks better on Alliance characters



Those elves you play on those dusty streets with fires blazing everywhere akd the smell of cow crap you can exchange for the paved roads you’re used to in a city with castles akd canals. And also rats but hey. And still be the same elf you are now only you don’t have to stare at ugly cities and monsters anymore!


I only ever stuck with Horde because all my friends are here. The day Blizzard removes the faction divide is the day I never play another Horde race again.

Except for troll hunters. They’re pretty cool.




Excuse me?


I don’t think alliance has heard of shoulder armor, Orcus


Only Orcs and Blood elves / undead are playable , maybe vulpera , but every others races are clowns , mogs look bad , Trolls are unplayable , it’s a disaster .

Troll looks weaks , they need standing option like Orc


Less groups for all content

Virtually zero PVP LFG

Worse M+ groups

Worse raid pugs

There’s a reason I stopped playing Alliance back in BFA.


Gnomes tho.

And then you double-down with mechagnomes.

50 dkp minus.


Ok but ur stinky


Horde has blood elves (who have better hair options than void elves), Zandalari trolls and vulpera

Horde gets this too with mercenary mode. You can opt in to get into a match more quickly or wait a few minutes to get into a match that you’re at least slightly more likely to win. Alliance players don’t get to pick.

It’s basically not even worth it unless the spec you’re playing has fun PvP talents

You’d think Alliance players would be less toxic because they have less to feel elitist about on average but I don’t think there’s a real difference in the proportion of non-chill people on both sides


It’s not my fault my flesh is rotting. Lol


Oversized shoulder armor tends to look more comical than badass, in my opinion. Same for oversized plate boots (or oversized weapons on small Elves like Female Elves or female Draenei. That takes the cake on funny).

Also, male Draenei have big shoulder armor as well, depending on the model.


Big shoulder armour seems really inconvenient for arm movement practicality

They should make wow more realistic and have reduced -speed and -dodge chance the bigger your armour is :joy:


Alliance gets a warmode buff because ya’ll are cowards and blizz has to bribe you to flag up.


The OP has a point.

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I like this.

Meanwhile in the Horde…

  • More serious, sweaty playerbase

A faction can have all of the most OP racials in every category, but if players don’t enjoy looking at their character then only the hardest of hardcore will play them…and that ship sailed several expansions ago.

I mean, just looking at the forums you see nearly every Horde race represented regularly. When you look at Alliance representation there are several races you clearly don’t see posting, except for the occasional character with an obviously meme name.

Sorry, but no one wants to play certain races, no matter how “inclusive” and “empowering” it is on the checklist.

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Horde has a whole race of trolls that have no problem standing up straight. And we definitely aren’t weak! =)


I agree with each except 2 and 3. Horde can have the same queues by enlisting in mercenary mode. Horde have it better when it comes to queued pvp because they can choose which side they want to play on while Alliance can’t at this time. There are less M+ groups, but instead of running with the worse specs, people may just wait longer for the meta specs to sign up or not run at all.

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