Alliance is better than Horde if you don't Mythic Raid

Do you not speak common? They’re not wrong.


I was going to say, zTrolls might be the coolest race in the game.


If you look at pvp representation, 50%+ of horde pvpers are orc

The only reason its not more is because paladins, priests, druids and dh’s can’t be orc

Lots of people don’t like playing green barbarians
But if you’re horde and your class can be orc and you’re not an orc, it’s questionable by your peers


Shorten title to first five words only.


Same here… I will race change most of my toons to alliance side


Yup and it’s awesome using it to level up to 50.

Then I turn it off so Horde can’t kill my alts in SL.

I turn it back on when I do fishing and cooking dailies though.


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All the cowards rolled horde to easily outnumber alliance.


They rolled Horde cause they got tired of losing BGs.

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Alliance is better than Horde if you’re not sweaty.


I seriously question this bullet point. I see quite a lot of picky M+ leaders even in low keys. I regularly get asked if I’m feral or boomy and these are 10-15 keys. You would think having more than enough ilvl, io, and timed keys would matter more in keys of these levels but people still care a lot about spec and classes.


It occurred to me that your reasoning would make sense if there was an extreme shortage of people to choose from. This might be true for healers or tanks, but I was just thinking from a dps point of view. There are still plenty of meta dps classes and specs to choose from on alliance and there is nothing forcing people to accept non-meta specs. I can’t speak for healers/tanks but I could see your point having merit if there was an extreme shortage of these roles.

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That’s uh… that’s the exact opposite of how it works. Lower supply means higher demand. Seller’s market.

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The demand is the same in a given period of time, regardless of the supply available to them. Lower supply means higher price in the context you’re talking about.

However, demand not being met may result in higher demand in the near future.

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True. Alliance is better if you like being bored and doing boring things like sitting around Goldshire.

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I think both factions are good for their own reasons :sparkles::heart:


You know Hearthstone has a Horde vs Alliance event right now, and while that wont translate to who is more popular in WoW, I do think it will give a decent view of how people think of the factions(the cards themselves are not meta defining so this is purely a popularity/engagement contest).

Although, I think Blizzard thinks the Alliance will lose said contest because they sold Vann’s skin instead of Drek’thar’s for the pre order.

It should be harder to swim in plate armor.

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To quote, Jeff `The Dude’ Leboswki, “Yeah, well, that’s just like, your opinion man”

u sir are incorrect

We make friends and entertain each other. We rarely complain about the game.

We are thankful to have access to this virtual world and to other people, for socializing.

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i think i’d go back to alliance if i was able to pug content. last i played on alliance was back in MoP back when i didn’t even do much besides heroics/regular dungeons but even the 1 raid which was mogushan vaults that i tried to form and needed to pug people for our guild run nobody wanted to join.

now i basically pug my raiding. since BfA though i have been super casual. BfA i had a good reason dealing with irl issues but SL idk. lately though i have been debating trying out alliance just to unlock the allied races on that end as well and try something different for now but still in the end if i ever get back into raiding normally then yea i still want that option to pug if i can’t find a guild to raid with. other then that though i mean rn im just debating. no friends left on horde side anyways doubt they will return so im free to do what i please.

i just raid up to heroic i can probably full clear mythics skill wise but due to my work schedule it was always hard for me to find a guild on horde side that i can raid with that does mythic raiding.

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