Alliance/Horde balance in Epic BGs

Here’s a simple solution to fixing the unbalanced crap going on in random epic bgs : how about both factions get to go mercenary??? A bunch of alliance will merc horde thinking they’ll get an easy win, and soon enough it will even out to a nice 50% win ratio on both sides, and the queue time for alliance and horde will be the same. Nobody gives a crap about alliance vs horde anymore, even in an expansion all about it… Just make it so random bgs eventually lead to an actual RANDOM 50% win chance for both factions.


Mercenary is for lowering queue times. Allowing Alliance to merc defeats that entire purpose, and would probably raise queue times overall.


I’m sure anybody would take longer queue times in exchange for a better experience…


What kind of experience have you been having?

Better experience for alliance, maybe.

If you want longer queues for an allegedly higher winrate, then the horde is waiting for you. Leveling is pretty quick and easy.

If you don’t like that option then unfortunately you’re just going to have to live with short queue times and more honor gained. Hard life, I know.

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If that was true nobody would merc.


They probably don’t merc epic bgs.

If you want to enjoy long queues for a better win rate, reroll or faction transfer.

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The only reason I play this game is to kill the horde you take that from me and I’m done.

“If you want to enjoy long queues for a better win rate, reroll or faction transfer.”
Oh yeah let me drop the people I play with for this one thing… Like there are no other simple solutions…

Rerolling isn’t hard to do. It’s free and takes minimum effort.

The point of this is so we can get fair win rates no matter the toon you play on… it’s not about this particular toon alone.

so, what happens if you end up on a team of all mercs?

It sounds like a good idea on paper, but it just wouldn’t work OP

If they implemented your idea, large amounts of Ally would merc because “Horde always wins” or “I’ll just merc Horde and get an easy win”, and the Horde queue times would go thru the roof… which defeats the whole purpose of merc mode in the first place (to lower queue times)

As for the so-called imbalance, it’s mostly caused by Ally players themselves. Things like:

  • PvPing on roads instead of at objectives
  • not focusing healers
  • having low DPS
  • etc etc

Imbalance is largely a player-caused problem, the epic bg maps are fairly balanced with the exception of maybe AV (minor terrain advantages for Horde)

I was aiming for fish feasts.

People say they see a ton of mercs

Giving the merc option to both factions will ultimately lead to both teams having a mix of both factions, because a lot of player will constantly chase the highest winning faction and it will balance out pretty quick.
They could also just make it so random bgs put you in one of the team at random, no mater your starting faction. It wouldn’t be alliance vs horde, but rather true PvP.
Rated bgs will stay the same, but random bgs would be true to their name : expect a 50% win ratio with a possible variation in smaller bgs, where each player’s contribution matters a lot more.

I told you this one time I look at them as traitor to me that is what they did turn their back on the horde. I know you are all for walk hand in hand in battle, but for some us this would kill the game.

You and some other on the forums know where I stand with this why do you keep asking? I will never change my mind on this and I will quit wow if it happens.

so if your healers were all horde mercs you would ask to not be healed by them?

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