Alliance/Horde balance in Epic BGs

They turn the back on the horde not the Alliance.

Why do you not Mercs do not give me the excuse on looks?

I think this is the best option, since then no faction gets screwed over. Benefits both quite a bit even.

oh its all about looks and feel. my red armor would turn blue, and i would turn into a human, and while i can tolerate human looks if i can customize it, when mercing i can’t.

when it comes to racials i much prefer the blood elf racial, always have, even as far back as wrath. the extra rp generation from it lets me jumpstart my resources when they stall out. i don’t need EMFH.

i don’t like change forced on my toon, i would merc all day if my toon stayed a blood elf with horde red armor, i have no problem playing for team blue, but my toon needs to remain unchanged.

in fact when mercing was initially announced i was excited for it and was already thinking of mercing, that is until they mentioned how your toon changes, that killed it instantly for me and i have never bothered to look into it since.

IMO lore and RP need to take a backseat to gameplay and balance.

And then horde queue times will be 2 hours… it’s the worst idea ever . Sorry man

Me and you just need to agree to disagree on this. If this was to ever happened you would not have to put up with Bdm again. :wink:

don’t you think you are taking this faction thing a little too seriously?

It is the only reason I play this game is to kill horde in PVP It’s that simple for me.

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so what if this expansion ends with factions dissolving?

We’d be screwed over pretty bad, as we’d have rotten Alliance mixed in with us.

It could happen tomorrow next week next year or 10 years from now when Horde and Alliance walk hand in hand in battle then I’m done.

I used to like you. :grinning:


well that’s a shame, but we’d go on without you.

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Hey, if it’s red it’s dead! Idc who I fight with or against.

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You will be saying glad bdm not here to pester me no more. :grin:

Not everybody wants to be a fat headed swine smoochin green pig boy.

Who you talkin bout ?

I still see Ally get out-DPSed by tanks, I mean come on

Something is wrong when a Guardian Druid makes it into the top 10 DPS spots on the Alliance bg charts :grimacing:

I’ve also seen backfiller DPSers somehow make it into the top 4-6 spots on the charts, despite joining at like halfway thru the match :joy:

EDIT: …and don’t give me the “well tanks are more survivable and they don’t get focused, so they live longer during teamfights” excuse, the bottom line is every DPS spec should be able to beat a Guardian Druid (lowest damage tank of them all)

@OP, you are right, but don’t hope for many to agree. It’s basically on blizz.

‘Best’ options for alliance who enjoy epic BGs but are having a poor experience during their time of play:

  • create/faction change to a horde toon to play epic BGs (this might help create the result your original post describes, in addition to increasing queue times for horde)
  • try playing epic BGs during a different time of day (no guarantee, but it seems the earlier you can play the better due to possibly better balanced ‘skill pools’ between horde and alliance, or possibly better horde mercing)

You forgot to mention premades, Ally can always try signing up to one of those to improve their experience.

Off the top of my head there’s Stormpike Militia, Ruin, Clan, Anduin Knights, etc

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I was going to mention that but I’m not sure how often they run. And even then they are ‘closed groups.’ So you have to luck out to get in a BG with them. That’s the only reason I didn’t list them as ‘best.’

If they aren’t closed groups, I don’t see them advertise on how to join. So if there’s more info on how to do that, maybe it’ll show up at some point. (I get the feeling many have sort of quit til classic, or whatever.)