Alliance High Elves still possible?

I was thinking the same.

Not likely and thank god for that.

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Absolutely not. The idea’s been constantly shot down for 15+ years and they’re definitely not going to give the Alliance a second allied race that uses a modified form of the blood elf model that originally belonged to the Horde. It’s a pipe dream at this point.

There’s no indication it’s for a new race, either, but since Blizzard has yet to announce any new allied races in Shadowlands, I think it’s a safe assumption that these are entirely for blood elf customization.

And it has become unviable and impossible since the alliance received purple blood elves.

It was a definite “never”, coming straight from Blizzard.
Only purple placebos for the alliance always remember that it will never happen.

We cannot have High Elves and blood elves in the same faction.
We can have blood elves in both. End!