Alliance High Elves still possible?

Literally nothing has changed.

Those aren’t even what High Elf eyes look like. High Elves have more Human Looking eyes.

They are also likely to be DK or NPC only options since they are missing some of the things to other colors are getting.

They also added High Elf underwear and hair colors. I don’t see people excited to wear blue undies lol


“imaginaries friends ?.”

LMAO guys I can’t

I thought the same thing before the Vulpera/Mechagnomes.

And yet here we are with the only unique race going to Horde. Guess you could say Kul’tirans because of the model, still humans though.

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Imaginaries friends cant hit the heart buddy im so sorry :frowning:

with black blood elves i can see white void elves.

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While celebrating people who are rightfully upset.

God, the cretins are out in full force and it’s making this game’s commmunity look even worse than usual.

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He’s just confusedly ranting now, aw

Lad, what downvotes?

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Oh not you! Sorry I meant for the inevitable salt from others that’ll come from this. You’re all good. :slight_smile:

I think it is a customization though. The Sunwell is still half arcane, so maybe some elves go gold and other blue I guess. Don’t really know.

Oh ok! Yeah I’ll be sippin these salty tears once it’s confirmed they’re for the Horde, if that happens.

So you did this dumb post just to get attention ?.


I don’t think so. We already have thalassian elves playable on the alliance. They should add normal skin tones to void elves and be done with this discussion.

No I legitimately think this is a possibility and have been surprised no one has mentioned it.

For instance, if Void Elves had been datamined they might have looked like extensive customization for belfs because they use those same belf models.

It just seemed like a legitimate possibility to me.

When void elves were introduced it was no longer a possibility.

But doesnt make sense saying this and then. …

This. . .

Its like saying " guys can you guys tell me if i can laugh at alliance now or should i wait ?."

For me is really dumb tbh.

My opinion.

it never was, today update don’t change a thing

This is exactly what I’m saying, yes. I say it in my initial post. I don’t want to celebrate prematurely. I didn’t do it for “attention”, I did it because like I said, I think this could seriously happen and HE’s could go to the Alliance. It’s silly to just assume they’re for Horde.

But yeah, you nailed it. I’m waiting to see when I can laugh.

Well this was so sad to read.

Im out .

Lol ok


Eventually these changes will apply to the alpha test client. If they are there and people can play them instead of mining, then I’d imagine that is when its an open/shut case.

Btw can’t wait to use blue eyes :slight_smile: