I’ve been playing a worgen rogue lately and it’s amazing how coherent and relevant the Alliance questing experience is to my character. Most quests relate to other human kingdoms. I also feel connected to Night Elves, as they helped you escape Gilneas.
This is very interesting because as a long-time Alliance player, I have the exact opposite reaction that made me switch most of my playtime to Horde in Legion, and all but abandoning BFA on my Alliance character.
As a former Night Elf main, I just found the Alliance too centered on Stormwind stuff in a SW aesthetic, with gnomes/dwarves thrown in for technobabble flavour, night elf for naturey/druidy quests, and worgen to carry out the ferocious dirty work. You’d be lucky to find a draenei or pandaren. In every case though, every non-human race would be a shallow caricature, whereas the human quest and flavour would be much more fleshed out.
Maybe I need to do more Horde questing but it always felt to me that while the Orcish race, story and aesthetic is noticeably the Horde vehicle, I always felt like the other races had a clear stake in the game. Other races, while not as numerous as orcs, were more fleshed out than their non-human Alliance counterparts.
For instance, so much of the Alliance’s main vehicle is dominated by humans in the last 2 expacs - SI:7, the overwhelming SW colours, themes, and setting. The equivalent would be if, say Tattersail, was portrayed by an orc.
In any given zone who knows what the quest giver will be. From pretty elves to native american minotaurs to literal walking corpses, the game hits you with vastly different characters and quests. Even the groups you think might be straightforward allies like Orcs are relics of Hellscream’s era in Cata.
Perhaps this is the difference between your camp and mine though is that I actually like how this feels. It feels more real to me to have such a melting pot of flavours, personality and perspective.
I definitely think Horde characters are underdeveloped over-all, especially those central to the overarching story.