"Alliance has strong characters, Horde has strong faction feel"

its not about what is interesting, and players dont like to lose, wow is a game first

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I’m sorry, I thought this was the lore forum. If you want an interesting story, you’re going to have to take risks. Players might actually have to experience defeat, loss, dare I say, adversity.

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The tread you are posting in is literally about how players feel about the factions

The alliance did have all this in bfa The alliance literally got genocided, and where fighting a war to have the right to live so lol, sure defeats happen but no the game isnt gonna to have sylvanas win and everyone characters deleted cause they died

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I still never really felt Teldrassil like Theramore though. Just seemed more cartoonish I guess.

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umm I have no idea why you think this is cartoonish

and this isnt
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Garrosh destroyed Theramore as a military target. As harsh and fantastical as it was, it made sense that he destroyed the island nation. He was already at war with the Alliance. Sylvanas seemingly destroying Teldrassil with magical catapults because a dying soldier told her she couldn’t kill hope? Eh… Just never made sense to me. I didn’t buy it.


Sylvanas the insane banshee that is prone to emotional outbrusts that we knew wanted to kill all of the alliance and burn stormwind, you never got why she would burn teld, lol ok then.

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Everything about Sylvanas after Wrath was protecting herself from her final death.(They had to give her new purpose when Arthas was defeated). So she embraced the Forsaken as her shield and did some expansion in Lordaeron, but never beyond. She created a buffer zone for herself. She didn’t like Garrosh’s aggression with the Alliance. It exposed her. She didn’t kill Anduin at Stromgarde because she knew it world turn the world against her.

Then she burns down Teldrassil and suddenly adopts this aggressive posture moreso than even Garrosh. The turn never felt right. But I’m sure we’ll get plenty of “few understood my use of the Naga” moments out of her Shadowlands.


I had a powerful sense of deja vu reading this post. Given this forum’s reaction to BFA, I probably have, in a thread named ‘The Narrative failures of BFA’ or something along those lines.

As to this, I think Tamanil hit the nail on the head fairly early on in this thread; the Alliance’s good humans/elves/dwarves fantasy is pretty common and generic compared to the Horde’s.

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Someone didnt read the books, and like sylvanas said when she grabbed the azerite shard, “This changes everything.”

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I did read the books. As nauseating as they are, I read them. Try using your words.


ah sure you did, if you did you’d understand how sylvanas is

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“It was no secret” is not a source. In fact, all we know for sure is that the developers played both factions. In a few cases, we learned who particular developers claimed as their mains, but there was no particular faction preference discernible in that small sample. Players have often speculated on which faction the developers preferred, but their speculation invariable tells more about their own biases and the argument they are trying to make. For example, many at that time argued the developers preferred Alliance because the Alliance zones were much more finished, with many more quests, NPCs, etc.

I don’t see much point to this thread. The underlying premises are so vague that you can argue anything.


You could be correct but I feel Alliance was more complete due to development time running out.

Perhaps I feel that way because charismatic Blizzard employees like Metzen were pretty vocal about their love for their faction.

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who plays a male human paladin

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… have you seen Metzen at those old Blizzcons?

Let me be clear that I’m not saying there is a faction bias affecting development, I’m saying dev sentiment can have an effect on player perception.

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Metzen seems like a “I like both factions but prefer Horde” type.

If you’re gonna rag on anyone for being a frothing at the mouth Horde fanboy, I’d say Samwise is more guilty of that.


Yeah I remember, just saying he played alliance, and if you remember back in the day, the alliance outnumbered the horde by alot, so yeah blizzard was trying to balance out the factions by adding things like blood elves and hyping the horde up, but the factions didnt start to get balanced till mop and now we are seeing too much push back. So the devs are gonna start trying to get more people to play alliance.

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his favorite character is malfurion and when he left blizzard he said alliance was always his main faction when he played the game.


Not looking to rag on anyone, was just pointing out a plausible reasoning for Horde pride being more prevalent than Alliance pride.

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