"Alliance has strong characters, Horde has strong faction feel"

I definitely relate to a giant Bigfoot lookalike that can only growl


Why not there are people who are mute you ablest

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Delete races and anything that makes them unique. We all belong to Stormwind now since their is a human in front of each computer screen.

Nah you just have a stick up your butt If the game was extactly the same but set in a all human universe everything would make sense and be just as interesting I mean like really do you think non white cultures aren’t human

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I’ll just end this one hear since this means so much to you and the post is going to get derailed. I’ll let ya have this one.

I’m now being insulted and it’s being implied im racist, all because I have a different opinion on the human/stormwind centralism of the alliance.



The alliance still has different cultures nelves are different than humans dwarves are different than humans they just have the same goals of not liking war your the one who is putting some false blanket statement on the alliance

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The Horde is primarily Orc focused, but you aren’t railing against that. They’re the most prominent race and founders of each faction, which goes back to classic fantasy tropes. The Elves get a massive influx of lore as well.


This lol the horde have always been more centralized lol they can’t even disobey the warchief and orc culture has overwritten all the other races

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Yet people are mad at Tyrande for doing exactly what the Nelves used to do, fight back and be viscous mad badasses.

Since the end of MoP it’s been distancing itself from that a lot, I’ll agree with your statement somewhat. The horde as a whole has seen a lot of development go to non orc characters and races (other that saurfang, who was just needed for the Sylvanas plot). The horde has been following Vol’Jin, and then Sylvanas and the primary horde NPCs fighting have been forsaken for the last two expansions.

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Since mop lol yeah sure thing buddy I am sure there was a lot of distancing in the orc xpac

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The expansion where the main antagonist were Orcs and all I did was kill them?


ANd all we did was learn about orc culture like even the alliance learned more about orcs than they did about Draenei

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And none of it had any correlation with the horde the player character is in, it was an alternate universe and the main antagonists both sides killed.

Yes that horde in the main universe had impact on the current horde I won’t deny that.


Yeah you didn’t read the chronicle right all those orc clans are in the horde and operate the same at least in the past so yeah I think we did get a lot more culture for your playable orc horde

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I saw a lot of it with all the forsaken centralism in the last two xpacs. :+1:

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Lol forsaken centralism lol bfa was about orcs legion sure you could say it was about forsaken for that tiny slice that even dealt with the factions lol

Don’t worry man, there’s a lot of people who get hyper obsessive over the night elf stuff in particular for some reason.

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Nah the playerbase just doesn’t like warmongers in the story garrosh varian Sylvanas and tyrande now

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BFA wasn’t really all about Orcs. There were Orc characters for sure, but it definitely had a heavier Forsaken vibe from the Horde side. I think a lot of the idea about the factions being “Human” or “Orc” centric stem from them defaulting to the iconography of those races. Building your garrison? You’re using Human architecture. Need a Horde banner? Orc symbol. They are the preeminent races for sure, but the degree to which they are is really overblown because of superficial things people see like that.


The homogeneous nature of the Alliance really doesnt help it. When I first started playing WoW I of course made an undead. But eventually I rolled a Nelf Druid and was surprised to learn the Nelves started off friendly with everyone.

Really? The Nelves, like the undead, were their own faction in WC3. They straight up, no questions asked, killed humans and dwarves for looking at their trees funny. I thought that might lead to some mistrust.

At the very least you’d think you’d have massive cultural clashes. Especially now with the Void Elves and Lightforged Draenei. Those are two groups infused with diametrically opposed cosmic forces. You think that’d make for a very tenuous, very uneasy alliance.

But nah. Their respective leaders are actually married as a matter of fact, they get along with no trouble.

That’s my chief frustration with the Alliance. They’re all so virtuous. This is encapsulated in Anduin. He gets angry at someone he thought was a friend who betrayed him, and punches him in the face. That’s a very human response that shows some nuance.

Or it would’ve been. Had it not been caused by tentacle madness. The Alliance does very little wrong anf when they do there’s some greater evil pulling their strings that absolves them of guilt.

Seriously the Horde and Alliance war campaign is night and day. The Horde is going around mercilessly killing civilains for no adequately explained reason in the Blue story. Because God forbid for one second the story portrays their cause as anything but righteous and necessary.