"Alliance has strong characters, Horde has strong faction feel"

If anything Elegy and a Good War is probable the more “canon” version of the events of War of Thorns.

Yeah but here is the thing, he wasn’t really supported by the rest of the alliance and even his daughter, so tell me again ,was the alliance the one who tried to genocide them? they didn’t make peace with daelin or kultiras, they made peace with jaina.
and that is why they ended in good terms in the first place, jaina did not supported daelin genocide.

We cannot say the same about the ENTIRE horde who supported a war of extermination on the nelfs not so long ago.

and this is exactly the problem, everyone around varian is made look stupid so he can look good, no wonder he randomly fixed the dwarfs or nelfs problems during the cata-mop era and he lectured jaina for purging dala because we can’t have him in the wrong ever.

That’s not a counter to what I said nor does it excuse the horrid representation in game. Total red herring. It doesn’t matter which is more canon. The on screen presentation is what people are going to remember not what’s in some book.

I didn’t think I had to spell it out.


That isnt a hard truth either. Characters like Kinndy Sparkshine or Sapphronetta Flivvers are probably more remember because they were in those books rather than anything they have done in game. To anyone who didnt read the book or knew there backstory they were probably no better than some no named NPC. Heck, Etrigg has probably done more in his short story with Tirion than ever in game.

Dude, he was constantly portrayed in the wrong in how he handled his relationship with Anduin. And while Genn might have deserved his ire and rant when it was time to have the worgens rejoin the Alliance it made Varian look like a total fool to do so while the Horde was knocking at the Alliance doors. Or do we want to talk about the time Varian decided to have a duel in the middle of the Violet Citadel while an Old God was threatening to kill everyone? That scene certainly made both Thrall and Jaina look reasonable and Varian a rabid dog.

Varian like the rest of the Alliance was not perfect, and in Varian’s case he needed the help of Malfurion to actually become better. Needing help(and perspective) from others is not some sign of weakness!

As for everyone acting stupid, I would say under those circumstance the way they acted was justifiable if foolish(just as how Varian’s rants toward Genn was justifiable while still being foolish). Tyrande was always rushing into things. Her wanting to charge head first is one of her biggest flaws. The council being distrustful of Moira to the detriment of Ironforge is just as understandable because they think Moira would cause more harm then some random Zandalari. Lastly Jaina needed someone to tell her she might have gone too far(or at the very least should have consulted with the rest of the Alliance first) was another one of her flaws that bit her again in Warcrimes.

look at this video of selected people showing sadness. It means everyone who played alliance is sad.

In my experience there is no single overall “feeling” over Varian’s death. Some people were sad, some people were elated, and some just didn’t care.


Why give syaeles this much time zerde they just want to play world of nelfcraft, a game that just gets them off and punishes everyone else. Syaeles is always saying that blizzard shouldnt punish the players but then gets off to players being punished lol.

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I agree Zerde please stop pestering me with Katiera level insight into the game. Aka Blizzard boot licking.

I’ve been playing a worgen rogue lately and it’s amazing how coherent and relevant the Alliance questing experience is to my character. Most quests relate to other human kingdoms. I also feel connected to Night Elves, as they helped you escape Gilneas. The biggest outlier among Alliance races is probably Pandaren, but they are neutral anyway so it fits.

Horde on the other hand…
In any given zone who knows what the quest giver will be. From pretty elves to native american minotaurs to literal walking corpses, the game hits you with vastly different characters and quests. Even the groups you think might be straightforward allies like Orcs are relics of Hellscream’s era in Cata. Don’t even get me started on neutral characters like Khadgar you interact with(that are usually Alliance leaning).

I know BfA is nonsense in general, but as an example, in Darkshore you had a dead Night Elf giving you orders!
Playing Alliance lately has made me realize just how big of a mess the Horde experience actually is.

All revolving around humans, humans, humans, dog humans, and now fat humans.

If they were united you would have Tyrande and Anduin understanding each other.

Jaina disagrees.

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Fairness where it’s due, the Alliance is more or less always united in their overall goals.

It’s the main reason threads like this exist. Despite what many posters in this forum like to believe, Anduin only has as much power as the other leaders give him, and when nobody says anything it’s because they (get this) agree with him. It’s only when they disagree is that mentioned and because well, the plot most go on, they would begrudgingly go along with it.

It’s a better narrative for the forums to say “Human King and his Vassals” but unless the story never actually shows that. It’s just everyone hates Anduin. Why Blizzard decided to write the Alliance in such away that there is absolutely zero disagreement is anyone’s guess. It’s likely because they didn’t want to repeat Horde plots, but what we get in return is well this.

Which is why they compensate by making sure every Alliance hero on average has the power of a small army. If you can’t make them interesting, make them stupid powerful.


All revolving around humans, humans, humans, dog humans, and now fat humans.

As opposed to Green Humans, Blue Humans, Cow Humans, Eww Humans?

You can be reductionist about anything.


They will be a thing soon, The love between Anduin, and Baine will play a big part of Shadowlands I feel

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Sorry, anduin belongs to wrathion already.

However you may want to look at this.



What you think the horde doesn’t have human culture lol

Well if Baine takes over we will have a lot of human culture, I’ll agree with that.

Never thought I would see an Nelf player ok with mass human culture and screen time in game, each to their own. :man_shrugging:

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Every single race in this game has human culture because the game is written by humans



What??? I never knew.

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Your playing a nightborne which I’d just a society of stormwind noble drama

Legolas and Gimli are humans, a human wrote the book.

Chewbacca also a human, human wrote the plot and shot the movies.


Yep that’s why they have human traits so they are relatable

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