Alliance Griefing Assaults in war-mode

A group of at least 20 alliance are camping quests making me and my fellow group members unable to complete the world quests in the assault.

This is the definition of “griefing”- In online gaming where one repeatedly killing the same individual or individuals over and over again, or camping their corpse to prevent them from retrieving it, or otherwise performing actions in a game to prevent the player from enjoying the game.

With the removal of being able to group up and phase to different “shards”.
Turning warmode off is not the answer to griefing.

a ban is.

Moderator Note - To be crystal clear, our staff will not intervene in matters such as this. War Mode can be disabled as desired.

Something something war in war mode something git gud.


This isn’t griefing in WoW


Says an alliance coward.

World PvP happened while warmode was on. Nothing to see here.


Harassment, “griefing,” abusive behavior or chat, conduct intended to unreasonably undermine or disrupt the Game experiences of others, deliberate inactivity or disconnecting, and/or any other activity which violates Blizzard’s Code of Conduct or In-Game Policies.

its not like the horde don’t do the same thing :slight_smile:


I’m not the one making topics about how the other faction is being SO MEAN to them, and that blizzard must step in to protect me.

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And? You literally gave them permission when you enabled War Mode.

Yes, it is. World PvP is not griefing.


No, you’re the one that needed a bribe to turn WM on.

Happened to me and a bunch of others today. Pack of around 40-50 Horde ran through Assault area, slaughtering the 5-8 Alliance that were innocently trying to complete it. Luckily I took off the moment the slaughter began


So get 30 people to come kill the 20 people. Have you never quested in Hillsbrad Foothills?

Camping an area isn’t new, neither is crying about it. How many times have Horde camped South Shore or Alliance camped Tarren Mill? I mean ffs they made a giant pvp mode for it.



as stated above

the operative word being >unreasonably< getting killed repeatedly in PvP by a horde (pun intended) of opposing faction players is reasonably to be expected. AND a remedy exists. Turn off warmode.


Bro. You opted in to the gameplay (yes, that’s what it is) you’re experiencing in War Mode. For that matter, you don’t get to define the unreasonably in that statement. World PvP is not unreasonable, and even less so since every character has the ability to toggle it on or off.

Stop being so pathetic.


I really tried to be a good sport. I know that Horde dominated world pvp for a while, but Alliance has been holding the Port and many flight paths hostage, and I got sick of it and finally turned WM off. It sucks, I liked the skirmishes I used to engage in in the open world, but things are so one-sided now there is no fighting it :frowning:

No, we needed a bribe so that former Alliance members that defected to Horde would have a reason to come back (cough cough Limit)…sad…

Too bad they won’t stay so that we all can have a good time in balanced warmode. No they’d rather slaughter Alliance in packs. Safety in numbers, right?

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wpvp is not considered griefing as you actively accepted the terms that you may be camped for hours.

But camping world quests in different. not just being ganked. that griefing.

You chose to play on the faction that swarmed warmode in massive numbers for months. I play on the underrepresented faction and had warmode on 24/7. Seems like you lot are far more cowardly than I am.