Alliance Griefing Assaults in war-mode

Here you go

No it’s not. Quit crying.

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Its not you say?

Warmode… Why does there need to be balance in war?

I bet you will finish it if you turn off Warmode

If you want to pvp you go where you are likely to find other players are to be found to pvp with…hence WQ sites yes.

Nothing is preventing you from playing the game. TURN OFF WARMODE. If you can’t handle it without crying on forums, turn it off.


There’s no logic in what you just said.

Spoken like a true Horde, without honor. Bet you sided with Sylvanas…

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You are looking for a loophole where none exists, welcome to warmode. If “griefing” was really the case all the horde for the first four months of the expac would be banned. As much as I feel like inserting the horde go to comments “git gud” or “wahhh” here, saner minds would just say turn off warmode.


No, bud. No. You are a valid target, and you made yourself that when you enabled War Mode. Moreover, killing you is a quest objective for them, as well as having the potential to unlock in-game rewards.

It literally has a reward system tied to it.

Stop trying to interpret the rules as you see fit to support your whining. The only interpretation that matters is Blizzard’s – and they ruled on World PvP over a decade ago.

Now that you can turn it off, you have no excuse whatsoever to be complaining about this – and the fact that you dared name your character after Saurfang’s son and used that name to post this insipid, weakling nonsense is infuriating.


WM still follows the old PvP server rule set. PvP problems have PvP solutions, if you don’t wish to believe that by all means, waste a GM’s time with a ticket, you won’t get the answer you’re looking for though

Nope. The only Warchief that was worth following was killed in Nagrand years ago.


I can respect that.

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Honestly i have both a 120 Blood elf and this, it happens on both sides. And my big issue is the rez timer. I dont care about being ganked but, an option to opt out of the rez timer getting stupid crazy would be good.

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Yes turning off warmode fixes the problem.

Killing flightmasters, quest NPCs, etc hasn’t been considered against the rules for many years (I think since at least Lich King). Although it’s entirely possible to report all day long and get a GM who doesn’t care what is or isn’t against the rules per blue posts.

Now it’s possible you operate either from a place of ignorance of blue posts about what is and isn’t griefing or you played so long ago when it was entirely possible to get punished for killing flightmasters, quest NPCs, or corpse camping.

I just want to remind you smug Ally that are clamoring for the Horde to “quit crying” only have bonuses because you yourselves cried for months about unfairness. So obviously “crying” has results.

“I roam around in 40 man gank squads my faction is soooo brave” is equally illogical. Horde is not brave for toggling warmode when they have an overwhelming advantage, as there is no opposition for them. I should know, I’ve never turned off warmode and have to fight tooth and claw every day to get my worldquests done.

Which makes the game way more fun btw, don’t ever change guys.


No it isn’t. The odds of you getting a GM to step into and solve anything in WM are slim to none

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Yeah the git gud comment is awesome, i had to drop wm like 5 times on my Blood elf cause 2 min+ rez timers. wasting my time with that is worse then getting ganked by 20 people. Cause naturally you rez again and oh boom 2 min wait.