Alliance getting a wolf mount

They run the same, use the same skeleton system. Have you not seen them run?

I have, and I don’t see it. The Raven Lord, to me, was like Void Talon, Fel Talon, Flame Talon, etc.

Where do you think they got the skeleton for them. You are looking at the actual SKIN of the mount, not the skeleton/rigging it uses.

Interesting side note, Pretty sure the Mammoths and the Yetis use the same skeleton which is creative on blizzes part.

I know what you’re saying- it’s like the falcosaurs from Legion appeared to use the raptor model. I didn’t know the mechanostriders used the same skeleton as the Ravenlord.

Mounting on them both and watching them move, im sure it is. They just added extra onto the skeleton, much like other mounts in game. You’d be surprised what has the same skeleton but not same skin

It still doesn’t change the fact horde have never got a Mechano strider.

Alliance: Undead Horse (Baron Rivendere)
Orc Wolf: Plenty in WoD
Tauren: Frightened Kodo, Brewfest
Troll: ZG Raptor(s), Skullripper, etc

Horde: Human: Knight captain in Arathi
Dwarf: Brewfest Ram
Night Elf: ZG Panther/ ZG Tiger
Gnome: There is no mechanolike mount.

You can argue same model, but that has nothing to do with the original thought.

Skins are not rigging, You just want a mecha, which there are, just no mecha birds. You want to go by art, can argue alot like how we don’t have a low res wolf version. Or a Kodo without drums and extra on it. You want the no mechano part, we get those i just listed.

There’s already tons of wolf mounts from the Garrison Stables, as well as world drops, and also from Ahead of the Curve: Garrosh. Why is this any different?

He merely pointed out Horde have never gotten a Mechanostrider mount. They have not. Sigfriend, that’s about as dumb as saying they share pixels so they are about the same. The over base may be the same, but there is no model of a mechano available to horde. Stop grasping at straws, unless you are a farm animal.

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ITs just pixels too. The same as why we don’t have any of the vanilla wolf mounts. Or non armored Kodo. You want to go into specifics? theres plenty the Alliance doesn’t have from the Horde still while you get most of ours still. Fair is fair in going by rigging, or we can go in depth. I am a mount collector so I can go into as much depth of shared mounts as you want.

Well, i’m sure you’re aware of the lastest moves to please and reassure all those little allies whining in Stormwind… does it make sense ? from a money standpoint of course and that’s what they are after. IT applies to more and more aspects of the game, all the way into class design.
**Monday morning : Blizzard Brainstorming team session :

  • Can we change something with DH ?** no no noooooo, they’re are already well OP and Method is using them, so can’t do. Let’s nerf some monks instead, noone gives a s…t about them anyway.
  • Yay great idea !!
  • Should we fix something also in the mean time, you know, all these bugged skills ?
  • Mmmmmmh, nah, it’s fine, just nerf something

I don’t know… might be going out on a limb here but I reckon they made the creative decision to bring in a wolf mount quite awhile ago and it likely has nothing to do with subscription numbers…


It’s not a racial mount, but Reins of the Golden King.

There’s also

Horde doesn’t have a lion mount that I know of.

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There are several obtainable wolf mounts that Alliance can use already in game. There’s even already a horse available for Horde via Arathi, but oh no not the “original aspects”

Leather workers need a wolf mount!

So according to some very cynical people around here, pretty much anything blizzard does these days is done out of desperation to save their dying game.

Leatherwokers have a wolf mount we can make the…

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I forgot about that one, and it is indeed a cool mount.

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We’ll according to the internet genn mounts you…

WoD had many wolf mounts alliance could get, like a whole bunch, i have a few of them.