Alliance getting a wolf mount


Seriously, they come up with a cool idea for a mount and suddenly “WOW SUBS MUST BE DOWN!”

If you’re complaining about them ruining the “Warcraft 1” flavor, that was done in BC when the elves joined the horde. Let the Alliance get some wolves, my friend. Mount variety a good thing.

I mean, if it is it’s a good response we have like a metric butt ton of horses.

True, but I want a Wolf steamtank mount. It’s in the game, wheres my damn wolf tank mount Blizz!?!?!?

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That would be awesome.

But like, I’m the guy you throw a wolf at and I will go for it.

I got excited and then saw it was that ugly WOD model. No thanks

There are tons of wolves we already have, but to dress one up for the alliance is odd, considering its an Orc staple.

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Some dev accidentally communicated to the desginer to give alliance the horde mount, when he actually meant horse.

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quietly removes Kor’kron war wolf from hotbar

Is this WoD necro?

To dress up elves up for horde is odder still. =p