Alliance getting a wolf mount

It must be a chimera…or a hybrid. A wolf-horse. The only explanation.

That… would actually not surprise me.

Are you implying people… “ride” Worgen? If so, that’s dirty.

Where do you think kids come from, your Chocobos?

The horde have had horse mounts since WotLK, and we also already had wolf mounts since MoP and WoD…

Looks a bit tame for a Vicious mount, so maybe PvP won’t be involved. :slight_smile:

Just want to be another person to say I have 3 wolf mounts. 1 from MoP, one from Garn, and one from Hellfire Citadel.

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when are horde getting horses?
i wanna call em the Herd…

Misnomer… The masses may not have thought of a smartphone until it was introduced, but someone or a group of people did. Products aren’t usually produced without any thought to someone wanting it. Even if that person is the one inventing it (for himself, with the idea that others may also want it).

LOL yeah, great point OP.
Because clearly, in a fantasy game where people ride dragons and bees and hippopotami…it’s absolutely ludicrous to imagine humans ever riding on a wolf!

Blizzard is obviously in desperation here.

Horse mount from TOC if they did the ach
Horse mount from emblems from TOC (i think, could be wrong here)
Horse mount from Kara
Horse mount from Headless Horseman
Horse mount from Kara2.0
If they are certain classes:
Other horse mount from emblems from TOC for pallys
Paladin horse if Belf
DK horse if DK

I always wanted a mechanostrider on the Horde side so that my Tauren could ride one. Is there a chance we could see 1 of these someday?

I don’t even know the actual number of wolf mounts that the alliance has access to. Edit: So far it’s 10, including a future Draenor time walking wolf.

clunky, jerky, and noisy… not my cup o’ joe… but maybe you would like it.

Not to mention an entire race of wolves… aaaaagggggghhhhhh

True, but I think it would be fun to have a Tauren ride one. Are there any other mounts from other races that haven’t made it to the other faction in some way? I can only think of mechanostriders.

Taurens riding anything would be/is fun(ny)…

I can’t think of anything at the moment, but aren’t there some that are specific to the Horde that the Alliance don’t have?

I couldn’t think of any, but it’s possible. The Alliance can use wolves, kodos, raptors, undead horse (Baron’s), hawkstriders (Kael’s white one and the pvp one from Legion), bikes (engineering), turtles, etc.

Racial mount types each side can have:
Night Sabers/cats
Horses again (gilneans got shafted)
Mechanostriders (the raven mount and its look alikes use the same skeleton)

Skelehorses (though should just be counted as horses, use same skeletons ((different kind of skeleton))

All in all, each race has at least ONE of the same kind of mount skeleton of the opposite faction. They just don’t LOOK the same.

Yeah, I’m not seeing the Raven Lord’s mount being similar to a mechanostrider, but to each his own =).