Alliance getting a wolf mount

This is why I was in ZG every week killing the cat boss. I finally got my black panther after a few months and totally content. I made all the gem panthers back in Mists for flying cat mounts.

Think the only things Horde can’t ride/don’t have are elephants…no wait, the vendor mount is an elephant. Okay then, no mecha-chickens. That’s okay, my gnomes don’t ride those gassy bouncy mounts either.

perhaps even, dare I say, an…


Never thought Mia would reveal that part of her marriage…


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IT IS NOT a mount for you, the players jesus, is for Saurfang.

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Derp logic is still derp

That is a sparkling horse named rainbow. I can see how you could be confused.

Sadly I wouldn’t be totally surprised if this turned out to be true.

Alliance have been able to get Wolf mounts for several expansions now. This complaint is like 6 years late.

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There’s a lot more than 3 wolf mounts for alliance if you did tanaan jungle and garrison invasions and also WoD raids. I think I have at least 5.

Not sure where you’ve been, Carlitow, but Alliance has had Wolf Mounts since AT LEAST Warlords of Draenor. And Horde has had Horses since RaF was introduced.

Wolf mount huh? Already got 2. Blizz needs to come up with a exotic kind of mount. I don’t know, say maybe a Gorilla mount, Centipede mount, Murloc mount, etc. Not the same old stuff.

Struggling to understand how OP missed the existence of Worgen, or the fact that the Horde now has horse mounts…

Arguably, the Alliance has just as strong a connection to wolves now if not stronger, considering we can PLAY as them…

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I am sure its just another recolor of a horse mount

My orc hunter tamed Sambas, I never use him because he’s a lion.

Okie dokies Hamham.

We got at least two of them from Wod. One was a taming quest from a garrison building.

I mean at like 400+ mounts do we even really care anymore? They are not special anymore, might as well increase the variety.

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I don’t think this is indicative of subs being low so much as the typical overcorrective behavior we’ve seen from Blizzard. They realized they screwed up by being lazy and cutting corners with the Alliance’s mounts, so now they’re hurling whatever they think will stick as a mount.

You can expect a lot more zany mounts for the Alliance in the future and comparatively fewer for Horde.

Nah, even they know there is a point where “horsing” us becomes like trolling.

I mean, giving us a Gnome “Metal Bird” mount would even be better than a horse again. I’m surprised they don’t do stuff like that more. They could even “lore” it up, “The Kul’tirans have partnered with their new Gnome friends to give you this spectacular mount…”

A Wolf makes sense, since I’ve actually seen people mention that when saying they are tired of horses.