Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?


Horde since Lich king had better racials and a lot of help , now Alliance is our turn to be the lovely kids.



Really? I guess I hadn’t noticed because instead of spending my time crying on the forums about how there’s no way to raid as Alliance I was raiding on my Alliance character. $_$

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In that case do you have a minute to talk about our lord and savior Cthulhu?

Previous warfronts? Horde got Arathi wf first - free 370. Preeeetty sure Alliance got darkshore first, no?
Anyway Alliance are getting Darkshore first this season when it rewards an ilevel 400 now, so it evened out.
Handing out 400s for killing players is a bit ridiculous, I don’t care about the 30% buff

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WOW You mean we actually get something and its the end of your horde world. O NO THE SKY IS FALLING!!!


For the people that want alliance to be easy automatic mode, and for horde to be at a major disadvantage, you’ll love classic.


Him that we dont name
 Im out!!

If you are talking about PvP then LOL

i didn’t say there was no way to raid. but if your aiming to clear mythic, horde is clearly the way to go.

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The sad thing is, most of these issues could be resolved if they balanced the racials for PvP.

Balance PvP racials = less obligatory Horde rolls and a more neutral spread.

Balanced spread = smaller gap in Horde/Alliance players in War Mode

Smaller gap in Horde/Alliance players in War Mode = The solution they’re trying to resolve with this weekly quest/buff thing they’ve got going.

I admit it’s been a breath of fresh air FINALLY seeing Alliance players out and about in War Mode so I don’t feel like a fish in a shark tank, but I’d rather they fix the core issue (unbalanced racials) than throw some duct tape over it in the form of gear rewards.


Only at the very top end, I’ve never had trouble finding a mythic team on my Alliance priest because the vast majority of people aren’t at that level.

Dont forget Zandalari is far cooler than fat men lol.
Horde win again.

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He is the greatest of evils. The one true god. He will end petty factions and the complaints of 400 Ilvl gear.

Alright cool, now how many of those teams went on to get CE? How many cleared 90% of the tier? 80%? How many broke up the second they got to a wall boss like Gorefiend in HFC or Mistress in ToS?

Nice out of context quote from almost 7 years ago. First, what leads to this statement is that the Panda food buff racial is “among the best if not the best for the viable classes the best racial in the game,” meaning both sides have access this to this. But also, and this is a key sentiment which you included in your quote" Horde racials have proved to be more beneficial and likely more suited to our play style " Do you see the bold part? Where it say suited to their play style? Kind of a personal thing and not so much an “x” is better than “y” absolute, and more of an “x” is better for me.

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tell me this - if horde doesn’t have an advantage in racials, how is it that almost 90% of all guilds to clear Mythic Uldir are horde?


Ill take real men over scrawny wakanda rejects any day


400 does seem a bit much. Should be 385 at the very least.

still not turning on WM.


I wouldn’t worry you dont have a reward to receive anyways
tsk tsk