Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

Is it impossible to believe that Alliance are just more casual than Horde?

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Designer want more ally to turn on wm
and more horde turn off.
Its doesnt matter the total amount is decreasing, btw.
What they want is balance.
However they forget its a generation of internet, so the decreasing rate will be incredible.

The what of the what?

Well, it wouldn’t really be a true faction war expansion without putting players at the opposite faction’s throats, would it?

Remember the screaming about Horde bias at the beginning with the Warfront alignment?

I do think it’s funny though that the 30% hasn’t budged since the inception of the system. Clearly it isn’t working as intended, I think they thought both factions would get treats by now.

There’s also the issue of lag in Warmode, a lot of people don’t even have it on because of that on certain servers.

Ok, Ex Alliance pink haired gnome warrior named “Mrdrummond” I do smell funny. But I am happy that I didnt trade elderberry for mud and musty furs. …and I dress just like my Mum… right down to the beard.


you said skill doesn’t matter.
so by your logic
if me and 3 of my friends challenged Team Secret to a 4v4 match in age of empires 2, we’d have a 50% chance of beating them right?
because skill doesn’t matter?

Your mum is a dolphin.

I notice none of you horde are bringing up that you have an active emissary that rewards improved item level loot while the alliance does not.


… where did I say that???

There’s a difference between being “more casual” and “straight up not having a raiding scene.”

Historically, the top 100 clears for a tier were usually split from 60-40 to 65-35 in favor of Horde. Uldir was just about 90-10.

There’s a difference here, you can see it yeah?


SHH we cant let them know that it will hurt their arguments


In that case it’s not entirely wrong. I’m 390 right now and I’ve been 390 before getting my new gear today. I say that to point out that 370 has been entirely useless for me for quite a while. In the interest of actually having something in the quest, as opposed to garbage you sell to a vendor, then 400 does make sense and is in line with Heroic raid gear, same as it was last season.

That being said, even though season 2 started today, it is still too early for 400 in my opinion. Most people haven’t even stepped in the raid for christ’s sake. They should have delayed this ilvl increase for a couple weeks or a month.

Should also point out that as far as I’m concerned the quest should also be available for both sides, regardless of numbers.


you said that having 89% of the top guilds in the world is not an advantage.
you said that having 70% of the top pvpers and pveers in the world is not an advantage.

Top 100 clears =/= the raiding scene


Well it wasnt on porpoise. I was born this way.


Thanks for the update. I was not expecting this, but it is a nice suprise.

Your are a pretty good dude for sharing.

goes beyond the top 100 clears bucko. of all the guilds to clear uldir mythic, almost 90% are horde.

that sounds like the mass majority of the best guilds and by default the best players to me.


Having almost all the top talent on one side usually means the other side is doing poorly. Ever heard of the Brain Drain effect on smaller countries?


Pfft, Alliance BIAS. Complain Horde gets favouritism, yet, they get everything more than the Horde, and usually first.