Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

You are right people lose their minds when they cry so much.

Not even in the slightest bit.

You can do it in a party. You can literally join group finder parties and sit there and get the gear for free.

So I guess you’re right, It’s not free. You have to know how to navigate group finder and know how to spell “free heroic raiding gear for the week group!”

Slay 25 level 120+ horde within KT or Zan

Doesn’t sound free to me.

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No. They dont. Horde dont have the super incentive to be toxic to the player base for gear

Know what would be funny and I think a lot of Horde would agree with me on this.

What if the Alliance had to keep warmode on for the entire week before this quest would show up? That is the only way this free 400 piece of loot will have any impact on warmode retention, because as people say they just do the quest then turn it off.
It would be hilarious if they had to actually keep it on.


I’m From an RP server group. wheres its 3 ally to 1 horde, last couple months been nothing but 3-5 man ally groups running around ganking solo’s (horde players like to play solo in the World) and that’s not the ally fault. could care less about ally getting the gear but the 30% buff should be taken out all together for non PVP servers


No, they do it for fun. Go to the Timewalk vendor at Timeless Isle if you don’t believe it.

I’d be 100% okay with this. People just turning it off after they get the goodies doesn’t really fix the imbalance in flagged players, it just causes an ebb and flow where it’s never really in a good place.

Then again, I’d be happy with dedicated PVP servers back.

You’re 100% correct, it does not break the game. But the sheer amount of tears that flowed from Alliance about the Horde getting one 370 because they had the Arathi warfront first could’ve kept an armada afloat. Alliance (not you just in general) seem to think this is entirely ok, yet when it was reversed it was clearly bias in favor of the Horde because as we all know, Blizzard definitely hates Alliance…


So it’s come to this. BfA’s supposed main attraction, and the entire basis for its theme, needs to bribe players to take part in it. It’s honestly more sad than anything.


That is absolutely laughable that you think the numbers you quoted are all from racials. That what translates into literally a 1% dps difference is the motivation for so many hundreds of thousands or millions of people. Sure, the top 1% of guilds, hell, let’s go nutty and say the top FIVE percent all do it for that reason. But there’s a helluva difference between 89% of Uldir-clearing guilds/70% of top PvP players and that 5%. You’re delusional if you think otherwise.

Every Mythic Uldir fight after Taloc has a burst-or-die phase or a slow enrage that quickly overwhelms you. Every single one. 1% DPS over the whole fight means a lot more when it’s actually 10% over a very crucial 15 second window and the rest of the fight doesn’t matter as much.

Mythic Fetid, those burst racials were the difference in killing the second mutated mass for most of the world first kills. Each of those raids were overwhelmingly trolls and orcs on DPS. Also belves free up an entire class’s worth of raid composition on Zul, letting you field more mobile healing comps.

It’s going to make a lot less difference in Dazar at least, since all the fights that matter are locked by faction.

And you think that 1% dps from a racial is going to put anyone but the smallest handful of the best players in the world over that wall? I’m not suggesting it doesn’t help, but let’s not act like the vast majority of players who cleared Uldir mythic did so because of racials, which is clearly what the lunatics here are suggesting. Let’s be real here: if you’re a better than average but not top tier guild, 1% isn’t going to come close to making or breaking it. If you’re not the CREAM of the crop, it’s essentially meaningless. It’s simply something the have-nots cling to in order to feel better.

But giving Alliance players 4-5 pieces of 400 IL gear PER CHARACTER before mythic BFDA even hits is totally ok. Gotta remember Alliance logic…

Seriously, fight Mythic Fetid sometime. It’s very, very common for a mutated mass to hit 2-3% before the boss walks up and starts healing it. Those mobs are tuned to be right on the edge of what you can put out while blowing some cooldowns on each one. So yes, having one more set of them available IS a very, very big advantage. You don’t have to be a world-first guild to realize how powerful 10% for a crucial burst window is.

The typical roadmap is to kill the first set with class personals, the second set with battle pots and racials, and the third set with lust. Nearly every guild got their first kill with that, even late into the season.

So what you’re saying in a nutshell is Alliance can’t kill mythic raid bosses without that 1%. Seems like Blizzard is failing hard with design then.

Honestly, who cares? 400 ilvl isn’t going to make Alliance magically be better players. Let them have the cop out that it was racials that made everyone reroll Horde and not the absolute abysmal playerbase that comprises the Alliance.


If you think the Alliance are going to stop complaining about racials in the past because of this weekly piece of loot I have some bad news for ya.

Yeah this is pushing things a bit lol. My guess soon the horde will get the bonus once everyone is tired of getting ganked at flight ppints.

Honestly I wouldn’t mind that happening.

honestly why does it even bother either faction …

horde get carried everywhere they go and ally have to work harder at everything they do because of the lower pop

EVERYONE basically gets free band aid gear from somewhere … sounds like a lot of salty people imo but i dont care im just waiting for my sub to run it course lol