Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

/shrug Still not free. It’s not as though we get it if we’re not participating in the fight.

Takes about 30 minutes. Pretty much free


Disagree…but not going to debate it further.

I’m surprised this thread hasn’t been deleted lol, been checking it out every couple hours since the afternoon and it’s constantly at 1-5 minute replies

So sad to be unaware that you’re a casual

It is party size. The “raids” you see are actually a lot of 5 man groups together.

If even that. Most of them are singletons.

Would you look at that one of the top mythic guilds in the world just spent over 9000$ to transfer their raid team over to alliance specifically for this 400ilvl gear advantage. It was limit the guild.

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I’m alliance who has been on a PvP horde bias server forever and I think handing out ilvl 400 gear is stupid.
Gear is so embarrassingly easy to get now it’s actually a turn off and boring.

Heroic raid gear for camping a FP: YUCK!
Even LFR is harder than that.

Edit: add in WG style scale factor (PvP).
So if a lone horde arrives at a FP with 20 alliance, will they get a surprise.


Pretty sure they didn’t pay anything for it. But that is insane, to spend that much gold to transfer over just for a free 400 piece and a bonus.

The faction population is what is causing the problem. They could focus on giving incentives on faction switching, instead of trying to lure the few of us who still play Alliance to turn on WM. I haven’t messed with Wm yet despite all of the attempts to lure me. I definitely am not going to fp camp with 40 other people as I feel that is a crummy thing to do to people.

I solo a lot in a healer spec, and I have always seen a ton more Horde around me. What I want is if I am not flagged for pvp, then I want my heals to work on every player I encounter. Not just the ones on my own faction.

Yeah I’m guessing it’s not why they’re doing it. Because yes, one random weekly piece of 7th Legion garbage (they probably already have several equivalent pieces from Heroic Dazar) and a tiny buff to WQ rewards almost nobody cares about doesn’t seem like the kind of thing they’d transfer over.

I suspect they just wanted to be back on Alliance, and Dazar force-switching you for all the bosses that matter just meant they didn’t feel shoehorned into Horde for the burst racials anymore.

That’s exactly why they switched, they are swapping back to Horde after they get their pieces from the quest and the AP out of the wquest buff

Did they say that’s why though? All I see out of their site + twitter is a screenshot with nothing on it. Hell, that might just be alts out for a PVP romp.

It’s the most reasonable reason. They wouldn’t pay $9k for a full guild switch for no advantage in the world first race.

Transferring tonight. This is worth ditching the Horde for.

AFAIK they haven’t even said they’re switching. Literally all I’ve seen is a bunch of dudes standing on top of Dazar wearing the guild tag <this game is bad> and a vague caption that sounds more like a shout-out to some buddies.

This. This is all. Their website has no announcements except selling merch from a hardware partner. Their Youtube has been blank since M G’huun. The only thing people are going on with this “announcement” is a single screenshot on Twitter of people that aren’t even wearing a <limit> guild tag and I’d sooner suspect are just alts screwing around.

Wait for the actual guild to say something before going off on what they’re “obviously” doing. I’m willing to take them at their word, but this isn’t exactly it.


So many tears here…

In the short term (read: this week) you can pretty much just sit at whatever FP is being camped, and dot/tag players as they are killed. Much like running by and tagging a mob someone else is killing to get credit. So not free, but can be done with next to zero effort. We won’t call it free if you don’t pretend getting those 25 kills always takes real effort. Deal?

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And so little brains as well.