Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

It wasn’t the solution. Everything was equal in terms of benefits, and everyone had the choice to turn it on or off. You can’t indirectly assign blame to anyone for it not working out how you would like.

Horde wasn’t the problem in WM, Alliance not turning it on was the problem.

It would be unbalanced. It was equal incentives before and that wasn’t enough for the Alliance to participate.
It took a 300% increase to the offset and free Heroic raid quality gear to entice them to play.
Alliance players just don’t want to participate in wPvP in general.

Honor bonus and merc mode are not comparable to a free heroic gear piece when the raid first opens. Can’t even compare the two.

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By legion, the damage was already done and too late to be adressed correctly.

What i find funny is people claiming that racial are only important for 1% of the whole population, and yet how did they cry when blizz was nerfing arcane torrent… lol

I am comparing the systems.

They are not faction exclusive systems. So in that regard they are comparable.

But I understand, you don’t like gear rewards here.

I like gear rewards, don’t get me wrong. But not when they negate harder content, like Heroic raiding. 400 is a bit high, think most people can agree.

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This is exactly my issue with it as well. Free heroic gear on the same day as raid release is just bonkers. It feels like the catch up mechanics are already in place.


Even in the same month. Idk when this 370 gear was awarded for killing 25 players in wpvp, but it wasn’t at the beginning of the expansion.

I havent played one day with WM off. After this, I’m done. #WMExit. This is such bad design, it hurts.

1 Like Week 10 of capping CP through just BGs is when we get 400 gear. That’s 2 and a half months. So in the time a Horde casual caps those points to get to the 400 gear, Alliance will have 10 pieces of 400 gear (assuming they don’t get duplicates) That is why this system is flawed from day one.



I just landed a 400 dagger on my Alliance rogue.


Arcane Torrent was a weird one because they changed the functionality of the spell completely.
Taking it off the GCD would have been enough to balance to resource generation issue which was making it OP in raid content.

Personally I like the new version better, a little more niche, but more satisfying to handle things you usually wouldn’t be able to.

I’ve had mine off from the start. But it doesn’t mean I’m not aware of what happens :slight_smile:

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Yup, just like they got free heroic raiding gear since 8.1 and no stop in sight. Why should I even bother playing if half the populace is getting everything for free?

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At least 8.1 was what, 4 months after release? This is a bit crazy at the beginning of a season/raid tier.


Oh my.
That Blood elf racial never increased DPS but sure helped a ton before and still helps a lot today.

This is the kind of garbage that happens in f2p games. What a joke.


Human is pretty crazy in pvp as well… Stuns are a big thing and we get a pass with EMFH still.

It’s funny because I’ve been complaining about this since 8.1 and people have just called me a cry baby and that free heroic raiding gear isn’t that much of an advantage. :roll_eyes:


Who in their right mind things free heroic raiding gear for killing 25 people is anyway balanced?