Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

so I can see how that would be an issue but I don’t think nerfing the horde would be a fix. They should deal with alliance racials instead and rework older ones that are no longer useful to be more comparable to racials in modern wow. Like give Nelves a real stealth instead of a ghetto standing still one.

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Raid group in every shard, boom.

Why couldn’t alliance do this all along?

I certainly got a 370 piece for world PvP.

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Blizzard doesn’t seem to care about doing that, Alliance had one good racial and it was only good for PVP and it got nerfed into the ground. Most horde racials have pretty big advantages for PvE or PVP and often both.

Except he’s one person, and even if this is true, " i personally doubt there is any system to monitor participation at all," him turning warmode isn’t going to change anything.

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Then I guess the Alliance is there for them if they want that 30% and gear.

Just like the Horde is there for you if you want to mythic raid, or to play as a ‘high elf’.

We casuals need more of this! keep it coming blizzard i’m starting to feel like i pay a sub when you do things right!!

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It was open to the faction that had lower representation in WPVP. That was alliance.
Kind of like how mercenary mode is only avialable to Horde - not because it is a horde exclusive system - but rather it is a system that is there to allieveate the more populated faction’s wait time.
Or the call to arms honor bonus to give more honor to the under quing faction in pvp.

As for the timing - I was arguing precedence. You said “no one got 370 for wpvp” - they did. A precedence was set within this system. You are allowed not to like it, but I won’t be suprised if it is working as intended.

Where do I pick up that quest?

On your boat in Boralus, requires 120.

That blows sorry dude. I really think that would be the best fix. The Lightforged need a serious rework too having to die to use your racial makes me laugh. I will support buffing of alliance racials but I’ll always be against nerfing of racials in general.

there’s the flaw, most Horde don’t group up, I could post screen shots of general chat where players are like “are you gonna group and do anything about these Alliance?” and the chat is dead empty, because players have better things to do

I could say the same for Alliance. I spent hours trying to get people to group up against a horde raid for Incursions that were being camped to no avail.

And let’s not forget about wisp form for nelves. What a load of horse crap.

That’s the blizzard way

I mean thematically it is cool but it shouldn’t be a full Racial more of a fun cosmetic thing nelves do when they die.

To be fair, we have no proof it even works in reverse yet, so it’s just speculation that it can change.
Also where is this proof about Horde trying to cheese it?

Its not hard, you just go back and gank a few more people. Still would take less than 30 minutes.

Come on bro! Wisp form was OP for WM when ya’ll kept dying.
The changes to WM nerfed it heavily.

Agreed, the little things like % resistance to arcane, wisp form, cannibalism etc should form racials. It should be a choice of which race you like the look/feel for (and classes) not a choice of does this race do 0.5% more dps.