Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

No, the talent is almost useless sharing 90 secs CD with pvp trinket nowadays. It was nerfed hard in legion when it shared 60 sec CD.
You would be in a far better spot as a dwarf/DiD

8.1 was early December. This toon was close to getting 370 gear at that point and was made in October. Thatā€™s a far cry from beginning of the season/raid tier. If 8 weeks down the road, 400 gear was being rewarded, no one would probably notice as anyone playing can be geared relatively quick compared to most xpacs

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Whatā€™s the point of even playing the game and working towards anything if half of the population is going to get it all for freeā€¦?


Iā€™m used to it as my Horde is Undead. Try having a racial that breaks fear/charm (which breaks on damage) with that CD. Iā€™ll take my extra stun trinket, but undead are still so much cooler looking

Alliance do :rofl:


Except me, maybe a few others.

What a broken game. :rofl:


Did the weekly on two characters today. Took about 10 mins on each. Itā€™s pretty silly, but Iā€™m still gonna do it because free loot :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Yea, the people who say this still takes forever just want their free heroic gear. Sad community we have.

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You know they could have waited at least week before handing out free heroic raiding gear to the allianceā€¦ :roll_eyes:

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Undead is far better than human racial.
It shares 30 secs CD, human is 90 secs, most of the time it is just bad.

In the name of balance I really shouldnā€™t support the Alliance getting such a strong advantage, but manā€¦ the schadenfreude is just too good after being told to reroll Horde for so long.


Fear also breaks in 2 secondsā€¦ stuns last their entire duration regardless of dmg.

It was still 370 for me it just had the 5th ring.

Doesnā€™t matter really. Not like a alli guild will over take limit or method much less a us alli guild.

quite seriously, i get the warmode buff. that is something that actually works, or should work, in getting people to switch WM on. but if you really think that a quest does the same thing, youā€™re a complete moron. all it does is give free gear away after you have WM on for half an hour or so while you complete the quest in a group

Ya. No.
If they are focusing you while you are feared then they are doing it wrong.

Maybe you donā€™t get how randoms work.

Most people still keep it on.