Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

Yes, that seems like a really great solution. How about we just don’t play a part of the game that we like to potentially even the odds. What a stellar solution to discrimination.

Yeah, because Alliance was broken. Do you honestly think that the players suddenly got better to such an alarming degree that they went from a 7% deficit to a 30% surplus within a few months. Only to crash back down to equalise after changes were made?

Jump shards till you find a good alliance one and piggy back off throwing out aoe. It’s akin to queue up a random BG or LFR, so it should be much lower ilvl than 400

That’s the solution Horde has for Alliance from the start of the expansion when horde has been dominating it numbers wise.

Horde racials have been broken for so long, and still getting more broken racials.

no no, that is a horrendous lapse in brainpower on their part for the reward. But people who get upset over camping when we do it too are just being foolish

Imagine a faction based warmode experience with no incentives. What would eventually happen? Would it maintain balance or would it eventually become one sided?

Blizzard had warmode and world pvp be a major feature of their game. It is too important to fail. And it kinda failed, didn’t it?

We, as players, don’t want to achieve balance, we want to achieve dominance. In the past, we would just faction transfer to our preferred faction’s dominated server. Now, we just turn warmode off if the odds do not favor us.

Either way, the result is the same - wpvp dies. And blizzard can’t let it die, nor count on us to naturally balance. So they have to interfere with the system to force it into some sort of parity to keep it alive.

Is a gear reward too much? Is the ilvl too high? I don’t think so. 370 was heroic last season - the precedence was set. And I think the gear is necessary as a reward - apart from an experience gain, the other rewards are meaningless and vapid. Blizzard is trying to save their system - a heroic gear drop might be the most pragmatic answer.

I watch with interest to see what the next week reset brings. There have been a lot of unfortunate things that have happened this expansion to Alliance that I have just had to sit with. It is nice to be the faction getting the rewards for once.


so PVP is based of a single power and not on reaction time and skill? I 100% admit Zandalari are op but they were supposed to be the pair for Darkiron who also had op racials. I do hope they bring Zandalari more in line though.

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Did you miss the part where this racial you are speaking of was was changed to a mass dispell? It no longer silences.

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That’s not world pvp. That’s exploiting a quest so you can get free loot.


The most skilled players will swap between factions at will and that’s what always skews things because those also interested heavily in said thing will faction change to get the chance to play with said people, or just to follow. See how many guilds went, and continue to go horde, top-end all the way down.

Again, i dont agree with the loot.

No one got 370 for wpvp… wpvp rewards were 10% extra resources, not a heroic raid level piece of gear


Quest can’t be done in a raid group, but sure. Then there’s the fact that every Incursion I’ve done in past weeks entire raid groups of horde were camping them. For hours.

Then it’s easily defeated by horde that A) group up B) Premade group finder and make a raid instead of a 5 man group.

You just proved me right though.

Alliance turn it on. Do the quest. Then turn it off. THUS ALLIANCE OVERALL ACTIVITY FOR THE WEEK IS LOWER.


Obviously… he did say party

WPvP is a numbers game, 5 man party vs entire raid will get 0 kills

Yes they did.

The Overwhelming Odds quest last season rewarded 370 gear. Which was heroic ilvl for that season.

The gear comes from the same quest. 400 ilvl is heroic gear for this season.

I mean, you’re free to not turn it on at all and then you can do the same. Though you seem to prefer the 10% spread through an entire week rather than 30% and a 400 piece for 1 day a week.

Do you not know how to shard hop? If you have difficulty doing this, you got issues

For one faction? And if you mean the last month when they had a catch up for alts, that’s different than even the first month

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